Tag Archives: Long Distance Rifle Academy

Learning to Hit Your Target at Extreme Distances –CLASSES AVAILABLE

Long Distance Rifle Academy…
Learning to Hit Your Target at Extreme Distances

by Mark Bunch/President Royal Gorge Gun Club/Chairman Fremont County NRA
I have been teaching long distance and extreme long-distance rifle shooting for the majority of my life as it has always been one of my passions. That translates into a little over 5,000 students I have taught the art and science of long distance rifle shooting to over the past 38 years or so and please don’t do the math on that, lol !
As I teach all of my students, hitting your target at distance over the entire ARC of your cartridge is not for the feint of heart. Sixty percent of the equation will be decided by your skill level while the final forty percent of the equation rests on your equipment, ammunition, optics, etc. Continue reading Learning to Hit Your Target at Extreme Distances –CLASSES AVAILABLE