Custer County Republican Assembly: Baltzly and Nordyke Both Make Ballot for Coroner

by Sentinel Staff
The Custer County school’s multipurpose room began to fill with people signing in, seeing friends and neighbors leading to the ensuing conversations and meeting new people. Gubernatorial candidates, Steven Barlock from Denver and Teri Kear from Westcliffe were in attendance to meet people and answer questions.
As the doors closed at 7 p.m., Lynn Butler (credentials team member) announced the attendance at the Custer County Republican Assembly to be 30 County Assembly delegates, 14 County Assembly alternate delegates and 9 guests. Sheron Berry, Custer County Republican Central Committee Chair, announced the Order of Business beginning with the ratification of the Precinct Person’s voted in or reelected at the Republican County Caucus on March 6, 2018. Your neighborhood Republican representative are:
Precinct 1: Ann Barthrop and Linda Pollack
Precinct 2: Bill Donley and Sue Steigerwalt
Precinct 3: Bob Senderhauf and Candi Reid-Sage.
Next, the nominations and acceptance of the Custer County elected candidate running for the office. The nominations and acceptance of the following Republican County candidates will be on the June 26, 2018 Primary Election ballot.
Commissioner: William “Bill” Canda
Clerk and Recorder: Kelley Camper
Treasurer: Virginia Trujillo
Assessor: J.D. Henrich
Sheriff: Shannon Byerly
Surveyor: Christopher “Kit” Shy

The room filled with anticipation as the next Order of Business was the nomination and acceptance of the two Republican candidates running for the office of Coroner. Brad Baltzly and Art Nordyke each spoke and then the ballots were cast. Each candidate needed 30% of the 30 County Assembly delegates to be on the June 26, 2018
Primary Election ballot.

The election votes put Art Nordyke and Brad Baltzly on the ballot for coroner.
Brad Baltzly – 19 votes/ 63.33% of the County Assembly delegates
Art Nordyke – 11 votes/ 36.67% of the County Assembly delegates

The delegate election for of the April 13-14, 2018 State Assembly
Final Order of Business was the election of the 2018 Republican State Assembly ten delegates. The State Assembly process is to vote whether State candidates are on the June 26, 2018 Primary Election ballot. The State Assembly is April 13-14, 2018. All citizens are encouraged to seek out your delegates to discuss your views and find out their views. The elected State Assembly delegates and alternate delegates are:

Delegates; Sheron Berry, Jackie Bubis, Sandra Attebery, Lynn Butler, Bill Canda, Bob Senderhauf, Tom Flower, Lynn Attebery, Bill Parker and Ann Barthrop.

Alternate Delegates; Virginia Trujillo, Chuck Steigerwalt, Linda Pollack, Allen Butler, JoAnne Canda, Sue Steigerwalt, Cindi Flower and David Trujillo.
Mark your Calendars to vote on June 26, 2018 – Primary Election Day. Your vote counts!