Liberty Rocks May 31st Stories of Concord and Lexington

The Stories of April 19, 1775

Join us for Liberty Rocks *Tavern Style Politics meeting on Thursday, May 31st. We will meet at Tony’s Pizza at 5:30 p.m. and the presentation will begin at 6 p.m. Come eat, drink, and learn and ask questions. Our special speaker will be Jax Bubis.
Jax will tell the stories of the first day of what would become the Revolutionary War. The stories of Concord and Lexington. The stories of Paul Revere and the shot heard round the world. There is a real art to telling captivating stories and Jax is a master. You will regret it if you miss this meeting and you do want to bring your children. Learn the truth about those who stood for your freedom and bestowed a great gift on their posterity.
Do you want to know why the Revolutionary War started on April 19th? What made that Wednesday special? Who fired the first shot? What led to the defeat of the greatest military force at the time?
This presentation will inspire and encourage you. It will show you that you can be proud of the true story of what your ancestors stood for and that many gave their lives for.
*During the founding of our country, taverns were the avenues of open debate and discussion. The brushfires of liberty were fanned in these settings and culminated in the greatest nation in all of recorded history.