Fremont County 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Custer County to Follow Suit?

by George Gramlich

February 27, 2019
The Fremont County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution last Tuesday declaring Fremont County a Second Amendment Sanctuary County in response to the Colorado House of Representatives proposed bill, HB19-1117, “Extreme Risk Protection Orders” (ERPO) which would allow gun confiscations without due process of law.
The effort was championed by Board Chair Dwayne McFall with the other two Commissioners, Tim Payne and Debbie Bell concurring.
Fremont County Sheriff Allan Cooper supported the resolution whole heartedly.
The resolution cited various Constitutional provisions and Supreme Court cases to back their assertion that the ERPO is blatantly un-Constitutional. The core of the resolution states, “will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing law that unconstitutionally infringes on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”.
HB19-1117 is expected to pass the democrat dominated Colorado House this week and move on to the also majority liberal democrat ruled Senate. It might be modified there, but that is unknown.
One can see the entire resolution on the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office Facebook site.
(Editor/GG: Fremont County, and especially Sheriff Cooper, stood up to TYRANNY here. News reports indicate Montezuma County has done the same thing. Custer County Commissioner Tom Flower has noted that the item will taken up by our County Commissioners this Thursday. We urge them, and Sheriff Byerly, to likewise stand up for our Constitution against the progressive onslaught coming out of Denver. For more on the grass roots effort to save our Second Amendment rights in Colorado see the site, Get involved.)