Open Letter to Colorado GOP Chair (Concerning Her Comments on Electability)

Chairwoman Brown,
Thank you for keeping us up to date with your emails. In your email dated June 10th, you exhort us “Let’s select candidates who support the Republican Party platform AND who you think can win in November. It’s not enough to just be right; we also must win majorities if we want to govern.”
I would argue that any candidate who honors the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God IS capable of winning in November. Why? Because God is still in charge. It’s not about being “right”, whatever that means. It’s about knowing what is true and what is false and standing for truth. Because God’s word is the way, the truth and the life, we must honor God’s word, His moral law, what our founders called The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.
The idea of “electability” has received a lot of attention in our party at the expense of truth. However, leaders never say what qualities are needed in a candidate for him or her to be electable. Observation of candidates who appear to be favored by party leaders often points to varied characteristics such as financial wealth (occasionally gained by access to government contracts), lack of understanding or concern over the nation’s founding principles, and lately, blatant and unapologetic disregard for the Republican Party platform and the traditional definition of ‘conservative’. A favored candidate may also practice near total avoidance of the electorate in cases where he or she is not comfortable speaking in unscripted situations. It can often appear that candidates who receive the most support from the party are chosen for their lack of understanding; yes-men who willingly comply with the demands of their advisers, but sometimes appear to be caught completely unaware of what they have gotten into.
The very lack of defining qualities, makes choosing a candidate for his or her electability a farce akin to a practical joke wherein the gullible victims are the complicit electorate. So, let’s move away from the squishy rhetoric to the hard facts for a moment.

FACT: Our founders established a form of self-governance known as a Constitutional Republic (not a democracy) with the understanding that there is a Creator God, that He is in charge and that all government must answer to Him. Romans 13 states, “Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.” (v. 1, 2)

FACT: There is no authority except from God. In other words, a government which institutes laws that conflict with God’s law will not stand. God is our supreme authority, whether we believe Him or not. The founders never required citizens to worship God, but they did require citizens to accept that our government is based upon the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. We are always to obey God when man’s law conflicts with God’s law. When man’s law is consistent with God’s law, we are obligated to obey man’s law as well.
FACT: Scripture goes on to provide a natural consequence for disobedience to authority established by God: condemnation. When we, as voters, elect candidates who do not uphold God’s law – or equally as treacherous – make laws that contradict God’s law, we condemn ourselves by our own actions. In such cases, we have a right and a duty to oppose laws that contradict God’s law. History teaches that failure to know and defend God’s law as the supreme law of the land causes self-governance to devolve into tyrannical rule.

FACT: Because our first duty is to God and God’s law, God instructed us to “…select capable men from all the people – men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain – and appoint them as officials…” (Exodus 18:21) How do we know a man fears God? “There are six things which the Lord hates. Yes, seven which are an abomination to him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.” (Prov. 6:16-19) Thus, we need to get to know the candidates, or at very least, choose an adviser who we trust to evaluate the candidates through this lens.
The electability doctrine seems random because it is based on fear and not on truth. Leaders invoke it when they are afraid we can’t beat the opponent. It requires we make a compromise to ignore God’s moral law in order to seem more appealing to the left and unaffiliated voters. Conservative voters have fallen for this electability doctrine for too long. Each year we voluntarily cede a little more moral ground in order to choose candidates who we (quoting the Chairwoman) “think can win in November”, denying that God is in charge and, if we do what is right by Him, we will prevail.
Democrats however, are known not to be so easily moved to give up their values and thus, have exploited Republican leaders’ fear by moving the country even farther left. We now have a RADICALLY LEFT government where all those who do not toe the line are bullied and even “primaried” by their own party. In failing to stand for our conservative values under leaders who would have us bow to the electability doctrine, we have given up so much ground that we no longer honor truth. We have become slaves to individuals who do not fear God because that is who we willingly elect, or get stuck with when we forsake God-fearing candidates.

We have become slaves to individuals who do not fear God because that is who we willingly elect, or get stuck with when we forsake God-fearing candidates.

This is likely the fundamental reason why so many former Republicans have become unaffiliated – because their party leaders no longer promote candidates who stand for their values. As a country, we are in full rebellion to God and we deceive our own selves into believing it is better to have a Republican in office than not, even if that “Republican” does not stand for and will not defend the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. In essence, we have become our own betrayers by selecting men and women who lack character, integrity and courage.
Let’s look at just one example of the destruction this strategy earned us. Today, what is true is ignored in favor of what the left desires to be true. Men dress like women, take hormone blockers to “prove” their “gender identity” and compete on women’s sports teams where they break records that biological women never come near achieving. The University of Pennsylvania brought in staff from LGBTQ services who offered to provide psychological help for disenfranchised teammates of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas because Lia’s presence on the team was “non-negotiable”, his teammates were told by university staff. Thus, the university – a revered institution of higher learning – upholds one man portraying himself as a woman to be truth, while labeling the women who seek justice as psychologically ill. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)
Chairwoman, it’s time to face the facts. We make a grave mistake when we compromise our values to win majorities. The very people our party establishment advocates for and financially supports are the same ones who are complicit in bargaining away our liberties, our securities, our God-given rights, our revered institutions, our intellectual property, even our country. They are the people who willingly trade our children’s safety and mental health because they want to govern. Because we have allowed this for so long, we are now being governed by some of those children who were raised under such delusions. (Think AOC.)
We are in a spiritual battle and we must learn to fight it with spiritual tools. We will not win it by letting fear of losing dictate our actions. I get it that statistics and history have something to say about who is most likely to win, but they are not a crystal ball into the future. Instead, they give a false confidence that allows humans to trust themselves instead of trusting God.

We will not win it by letting fear of losing dictate our actions.

“…God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong.” (1 Cor 1:27) Why? “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8, 9)
This point is illustrated in 1 Samuel, chapter 16. Samuel was sent by the Lord to Jesse to anoint one of Jesse’s sons whom the Lord had chosen to be the next king over Israel. Jesse was so confident that one of his older sons would be chosen, he did not even summon his youngest son David from the pasture where he was tending the sheep. Each of the 7 sons present passed before Samuel, and Samuel announced the Lord had not chosen any of them. “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God does not see as man sees, since man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’” (v.7) Finally, Jesse summoned David and Samuel found David to be in the Lord’s favor. Samuel “…anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward…” (v.13)

Chairwoman, when you ask us to consider this undefined quality of electability, you deny the power of an Almighty Creator to raise up an anointed leader. You influence people to consider making choices that go against the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. You alienate voters who want God-fearing leaders. In short, you work for the enemy. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) When we treasure “winning majorities so we can govern” at the expense of serving our Creator God, we fail God, our neighbors, and ourselves.
Make no mistake, we cannot elect or legislate ourselves out of the problems that we currently have in this country. We must disciple ourselves in those things which our founders knew. That is what this letter is about. Its purpose is to awaken the deceived and provide a chance for them to repent, return to God and honor Him in your civic duty as our founders did.
Keep this simple truth in mind: God created us with free will. Therefore, any attempts to coerce, manipulate, threat, bribe or trick us are never from God. They are the work of the enemy. Fear is from the enemy. We must “Submit to God; resist the devil and he will flee from us.” (James 4:7)
If we don’t take a stand for truth, we surrender ourselves to the enemy. The enemy does not honor the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, and will only govern from what it does honor: greed, power and control. For example, we currently have a Secretary of State that has been changing the rules of elections since she took office. She recently wrote a rule forbidding audits of our elections. Our State Senate and House – which are dominated by Democrats – have passed, and our Democrat Governor has signed into law HB22-153, stealing local control over elections and putting it in the hands of the Secretary of State. Would this have passed if it were put to a vote of the people? Likely not, but that is why it was not put to a vote. This is tyranny.
Our founders lived through tyrannical governments and knew that government needs to be grounded in truth in order to avoid tyranny. Truth is not subjective as this current culture would have us believe. Truth is found in the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. “Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding.” (Prov. 2:2) If we want to avoid complete tyranny, we must bring wisdom and understanding back into the business of our country. History bears witness to that.
Chairwoman, I urge you to have faith that if we do not compromise on God’s moral law, our Holy and Almighty Creator will find favor with us. With courage, be obedient to God and refuse to uphold any law which is unholy in His sight. Refuse to support candidates who are unholy in His sight. And lastly, I exhort you to consider how your leadership has the potential to further compromise the Republican Party or to lead us into truth and liberty.
I trust you will find the right path.

Beth Roman
Fremont County