All posts by sentineladmin

They’re Coming! Wolves Near Cañon City, Maybe a Custer Incursion

Editor/GG: Based on this map, looks like a big, bad wolf might have breached the Custer County border. Perhaps our Trump inspired Wolf Fence stopped him. But they are coming. The Rainbow Trail could look like a north/south Wolf Highway this summer. Could be interesting hiking and ranching in a few months.)

Press Release
Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) posted the updated Collared Gray Wolf Activity Map on its website to show where wolves are distributed around the state this month. You can view our Collared Wolf Activity Maps on the fourth Wednesday of every month that reflect collar data for the prior month. Please note, the watersheds in the southeast region that are lit up in this map represent the movement of one animal. As a reminder, in order for any watershed to indicate wolf activity, at least one GPS point from at least one of the wolf collars was recorded within the boundaries of the watershed within the last 30 days. Simply because a watershed indicates wolf activity, it does not mean that a wolf or wolves are
present throughout the entire water-shed nor that they are currently in the watershed.
On January 19, CPW completed capture and release work for the second gray wolf reintroduction season in support of the Colorado Gray Wolf Restoration and Management Plan. The activity information related to the reintroduced wolves from British Columbia as well as the wolves from the original Copper Creek pack is included in this month’s map. (See article on page 23)
As wolves begin to move to new areas of the state, CPW has prepared with expanded and improved capabilities for producers through the Conflict Minimization program that will allow for faster response to conflicts and higher likelihood of effective non-lethal deployment. This work results in improved strategies for altering depredation behavior early and reducing the potential for repeated depredations.

In early January, CPW also pub-lished a Wolf-Livestock Conflict Minimization Program Guide that provides information on a variety of tools and methods available for livestock producers to employ in efforts to reduce the likelihood of wolf-livestock conflicts and establishes a framework for CPW’s response, along with available support from other state, federal and nongovernmental organizations.
The public can register for a Non-lethal Wolf Conflict Reduction Training on February 12th in Buena Vista. The main focus of this training is to help educate the public and producers on effectively handling encounters with wolves. Join Colorado Department
of Agriculture, CPW, APHIS Wildlife Services and Colorado
State University Extension at this upcoming interagency training
More information about Living with Wolves is available on our website

Love is in the Air

Salty Pine Floral & Boutique

Pepper Stafford- Floral Designer and owner of Salty Pine Boutique in Westclife

by Fred Hernandez
Ah, Valentine’s Day. The time for red roses, boxes of chocolates, romantic candlelight dinners for two and cute Cupid shooting his arrows at unsuspecting lovers. Despite all the hoopla on this signal day few actually know the origins of this celebration which is shrouded in deep mystery and is embedded with both Christian and ancient Roman traditions.
The Romans celebrated a fertility festival known then as Lupercalia. Dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, it involved animal sacrifice with the blood soaked in pieces of animal skin, slapped on the women who truly believed it would
improve their fertility. With the rise in Christian beliefs this annual festival was deemed “unChristian” and finally, it was outlawed at the end of the FifthCentury when Pope Gelasiusdeclared February 14th St. Valentine’s Day.
Before that Catholic history has it that there were three Valentines all of whom were beheaded by the Roman Emperor for various reasons.
The more popular legend is that the Emperor was convinced that single men made better fighters for his army and so, decreed that young men should not be married. St. Valentine, believing that the edict was too severe and unjust, secretly married young men until his actions were discovered and he was made a martyr.

St. Valentine then became the “patron Saint” of lovers. Today we have a whole industry dedicated to this one feast day. From greeting cards, to flowers, gifts of all kinds, dinners and celebrations and much more.
In Custer County we have a very special place where the joyful celebration of Valentine’s Day can begin for everyone. Salty Pine at 411 Main Street in Westcliffe is a most unique boutique that offers beautiful flower arrangements including fresh and beautiful, imported Ecuadorian Roses, hip clothing, dazzling jewelry and many other gifts. This is their 13th Valentine Day offering since the shop first opened on December 12, 2012. The owner, Pepper Stafford, highly recommends placing your orders ahead of time to ensure availability of products especially the imported Ecuadorian Roses will be available at last year’s prices. That is really good news since the price of roses everywhere is skyrocketing.

Also available are delicious gourmet chocolate covered strawberries, delightful assorted candy bouquets, live blooming and non-blooming plants, and what is called a dish gardencomposed of assorted plants.
Gift certificates are also available and one can place orders for delivery out of state. Salty Pine is open to serve everyone daily except Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may want to check the entire product line at or call (719) 783-9393.
Happy Valentine’s to everyone. A word of caution:..Cupid has his eye on you! Je t’aime.

Sangre Shooting Sports Club Elects Board and Officers

L to R: John Noard, Cole Collins, Peggi Collins, Bill Garrett, Tom Sullivan, Steve Konegni, Linda Pollack

Press Release
The Sangre Shooting Sports Club (SSSC) held its annual members’ meeting on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Lange Hall in the Hope Lutheran Church, Westcliffe. Approximately 60 people were in attendance. Morning
refreshments were served. 2024 accomplishments
were reviewed and planned activities for 2025 were revealed including community efforts such as CPR classes and highway cleanup adventures as well as shooting events. Sheriff
Rich Smith also gave a presentation on new and proposed Colorado gun laws that will have an impact on individual citizens. Tom Sullivan was reelected as President. Cole Collins, Peggi Collins, Bill Garrett, Steve Konegni, John Noard and Linda Pollack were elected as Board Members. Specific Officer positions were selected by the Board members. They are John Noard, VP, Peggi Collins, Secretary and Bill Garrett, Treasurer.

Jan 15 BOCC: Canda Wants to Be BOCC Chair, Libs Scream

BOCC: Canda Wants to Be BOCC Chair, Libs Scream Like Shot Rabbits

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

The January 15, 2025 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting took place at the All Aboard Westcliffe meeting room in downtown Westcliffe. It started around 9 a.m. and all three Commissioners were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and newbie Paul Vogelsong. As the prior BOCC Chair was gone,
Canda, as senior Commissioner, was sitting in the Chair’s position.

In Commissioner Items, Epp said he attended some state road meeting and noted that there are “safety improvements on the docket for 2028” for Highway 69 North. He also said the Fair Board needs another member. Canda noted that the Upper Arkansas Water Conservation crew wants to come down from Salida and give us Happy Valley peasants a talk on what they are working on, espe-cially possibly raising the level of Lake DeWeese. Canda also said that the Commissioners were looking to rent office space for themselves so they can meet people in private and have a spot for conferences.

In New Business, the appointment of a new BOCC Chair and Vice Chair was the first order of business. Canda piped up and said he wanted to be Chair with Epp being Vice Chair. Epp seconded the motion. No discussion amongst the Commissioners so Public Discussion was opened up.

What happened next was to be expected as the lefties in the county hate Canda as he represents all that they despise: conservative, Christian, career military, lifelong resident, not afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right, etc., so the first local lib to open fire on Canda regarding his bid to become BOCC Chair was none other than the local democrat party’s “heavy”, James Gilbert. (Honestly, what unfolded over the next 15 minutes was like a Babylon Bee caricature of a liberal tear fountain. But you have to give Gilbert credit, he attends almost all the BOCC meetings and reliably tenders the lib talking points.)

Gilbert opens with he wants to discuss the “unfitness of Bill Canda for Chair”. Gilbert says Canda, “Doesn’t have the interest of all citizens of Custer County in his actions.” (Well, duh. There are usually two sides, or more, on a lot of local issues and you gotta make a call one way or the other which will upset the losing side. That’s how it works, James.) Gilbert then commented, that Canda “brought a private resolution” which accused the President of treason-like conduct. That is, Canda as a “private citizen” proposed a BOCC resolution to that effect, which he has every right to do. Gilbert then says it was a “conflict of interest” for Canda, as a Commissioner, to vote that same resolution. (I don’t think so. He had “two hats” here. Plus the resolution passed.) Gilbert then whined that Canda, “foments the election fraud conspiracy, the big lie” and he held a meeting “to support that”. (Anybody, and I mean anybody, who denies that there is election fraud in this country, sometimes on a fairly large scale in some locales, is a MORON.) Dribbling along, Gilbert continued his riff stating that even in “regular” BOCC meetings Canda talks about election fraud, and also Canda is a bad boy because he voted for the Sentinel to have the County’s legal notices. (Oh, the horror.) Climaxing, Gilbert, who is some kind of virus/disease “expert”, cried that Canda was against the experimental COVID “vaccines”, supported the idea that ivermectin might be helpful, and “supported opening county businesses exposing the senior citizens to COVID.” (Gilbert has been proven wrong on virtually everything he wanted to do during the COVID debacle. And note folks, nobody was forcing senior citizens to visit a business during that time. Maybe they needed FOOD, gas for their cars, etc. N95 masked and fittings were made available as well as vaccines and citizens were told to do what is best for their situation. It is called being a CITIZEN rather that a mindless peasant.) And that was it for Gilbert.
Jimmy “The Plumber” McMahon, one of our more vocal local conservative Christian players, then rose to defend Canda stating, “Thank you for standing up” to the local libs… I believe you would be a good Chairman. You have six years into this.”
A citizen then asked the Commissioners what the duties and the powers of the Chairman are and our County Attorney gave a brief answer.
Next up on the lib dance card was, of course, our very own Deb Adams (our county’s Tourism Director). In her usual very aggressive tone, Adams demanded to know from Canda, “When did you attend Commissioner training?” (Remember, Canda has been a commissioner for six years and was Chair for a couple. He might know how to do the job.) Canda responded that he confers with the CTSI guy, Dennis Hunt, all the time on various BOCC issues. Adams then very loudly attacks Canda (quite rudely), “When did you attend the training!!! WHEN!!!” (Right on the edge of being histrionic.) Canda responded with various facts and then Adams interrupts with, “You can’t give me a year or date?” Canda replied, “2016.” Adams then attempted to open a second line of criticism with, “Are you a team player?” Canda, trying to be polite to this nastiness, answered, “Yes.” Adams, now at a hissy fit level, retorted, “According to you.” And she was done. (A totally uncalled for, divisive, rude attack. It didn’t add anything to the discussion except to show the typical lib emotional orientation. How does this move the county as a team forward, Adams? It doesn’t. Being polite, especially in public, is how country people roll.)
After that bit of lib hate theatre, Vogelsong stated, “Lucas and I will make sure it is a team effort.”
All three Commissioners then voted to make Canda Chair and Epp Vice Chair.
Accounts Payable was the next Agenda Item. The amount was $132 and it was ok’d.
Your U.S. Congresswoman, Brittany Pettersen’s local representative, based in Cañon City, was next with an overview of all the good things Pettersen has done lately (like vote against deporting criminal illegal aliens). Blah, blah, blah. The guy says Petterson is pregnant and at home now and can’t vote on U.S. House votes. And she wants to be special so she is sponsoring a bill that would allow pregnant reps and the husbands of pregnant reps to be allowed to vote from home during the pregnancy and for a long time afterward. (The people voted her in to do the job in D.C. Allowing reps to vote from home, for any reason, is a bad, bad move. But of course, libs are special, and normal rules don’t apply to them. We will keep you posted on this issue.)

And thankfully, that was it. Stay tuned for the next chapter of Happy Valley.


Shantell Cynthia Squire Obituary


Shantell Cynthia Squire, age 29, passed away on January 14, 2025. She was born in Cañon City, Colorado on October 7, 1995. She was a student of Custer County High School. She furthered her education by studying forensic anthropology, public health, and history.
Shantell was the first granddaughter and first niece to the Rick and Yvonne Squire family. In her lifetime, Shantell was always willing to lend a helping hand, whether it was cooking a meal or planning a menu, building or helping anyone with a project, keeping history alive being the Curator at the Silver Cliff Museum.
Shantell couldn’t get enough reading and watching documentaries on any subject. Halie often referred to her as “The bottomless pit of useless information.” She also enjoyed cooking and trying all kinds of food. A self-taught Master Chef. Travel was one of her loves although she didn’t get to do it often. Shan also loved taking pictures of beautiful scenery, whether it be driving down the road or right off the front porch. One of her favorite ways to help friends and family was babysitting and watching little ones, but her greatest joy was spending time and playing with her niece, Paisley.
Shantell is survived by her Mother, Ileen, Biological Father Dustin Brown, Dad, Jay Lemons; her younger Sister, Halie and Clayton Riddle; Niece, Paisley Riddle: Grandparents, Rick and Yvonne Squire; Aunt Robin and Uncle Mike Gaide: Aunt Karalee and Uncle Scott Rowley; Cousins Conner Rowley and Cash Rowley; and numerous family members.
The viewing will be Monday, January 20, 2025 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Harwood Cremation & Funeral Service, 516 N, 10th St. Cañon City, CO 81212.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 1 p.m. at Sangre de Cristo Fellowship 120 Jerry Drive Westcliffe, CO 81252. Reception to follow at Wet Mountain Valley Saddle Club 90 CR 241, Westcliffe, CO 81252.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Silver Cliff Museum 612 E. Main St., Silver Cliff, CO 81252 or in her honor.

Custer County: Now Under New Management

Paul Vogelsong being sworn in by County Judge Mike Halpin.
Paul Vogelsong being sworn in by County Judge Mike Halpin.
Lucas Epp being sworn in by County Judge Mike Halpin.

Custer County: Now Under New Management
Commissioners Vogelsong and Epp Sworn In 01/14/25

New Commissioners with the honorable Judge Halpin.
New Commissioners with the honorable Judge Halpin.

by Fred Hernandez
In a simple ceremony at Lange Hall on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 10 o’clock in the morning, County Judge Mike Halpin presided over the official swearing-in of the commissioners elected in the November 2024 Election.
First up was Lucas Epp who had already been serving as commissioner, having won the seat following the recall of a former commissioner. After swearing in, Commissioner Epp made a few short remarks to remind his supporters that he is a working man who dresses simply and works “in the trenches” to solve problems. He received a warm applause from the audience of approximately fifty county residents.
Paul Vogelsong was next and after swearing in he also spoke briefly to assure his supporters that having sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution many times in his career, he has every intention of doing so as Commissioner Vogelsong. He also received a warm round of applause.

Among the dignitaries who were present were County Commissioner Bill Canda, Sheriff Rich Smith, Coroner Brad Baltzly, County IT and interim Finance Director Vernon Roth and county business owners and residents. The quick ceremony was over in twenty minutes and the attendees were treated to refreshments of fruit, cake and coffee. The County welcomes the new team of commissioners and sincerely wishes them all the best in their work for the community. Congratulations!

BOCC: Epp Makes a HUGE Finance Director Position Move, Chaos Ensues

BOCC: Epp Makes a HUGE Finance Director Position Move, Chaos Ensues

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Custer County Board of County Commissioner’s (BOCC) first meeting of the new year took place at the All Aboard Westcliffe meeting room in downtown Westcliffe. The January 9, 2025 meeting started at 9 a.m. and all three Commissioners were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin Day. Continue reading BOCC: Epp Makes a HUGE Finance Director Position Move, Chaos Ensues

Got a CCW? You Better Read This

Got a CCW? You Better Read This

New Concealed Carry Law Takes Effect July 1
Plus a Lib Bonus: Vehicle Weapons Now Must Be Locked Up

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Well, thanks to our anti-2nd Amendment democrat run state senate and assembly, our gun hating Governor Polis, and with the help of our local flatlander lefty immigrants who helped elect those tyrants, us peasants who want to conceal carry a weapon (CCW) now have to take an eight-hour course, pass a written exam, and successfully shoot 50 booolits at a paper target. These requirements apply to first time applicants. Renewals now also have their own mandated course.
(According to Custer County Sheriff Rich Smith, as of the first week of 2025, only ONE instructor has been certified to give the course.)
If you are renewing your county CCW, you must take a TWO-hour “refresher” course which also includes a written exam and live fire, both of which you must pass to renew your permit.
This law takes effect July 1, 2025. The cost of the two courses are unknown. Availability might be very limited. (What the democrats did with this law is to make it much more difficult to obtain a CCW as they despise the fact that ordinary citizens have the right to defend themselves, and others, from criminal acts. The dems have unleashed a CRIME WAVE IN Colorado over the last ten years with de-criminalizing criminal acts, not putting criminals in jail and releasing thousands that were in jail. They ignore the fact that CCW permit holders are the most law-abiding class of citizens in the country. So we must be punished. It appears that our Colorado dems want to disarm law abiding citizens. I wonder why? Note that criminals don’t seem to apply for a CCW.)
What else could the Denver lefties do in the last legislative session to make us serfs less safe and put our lives in danger? Oh, they don’t like us having a handgun in our vehicle. Yup. Colorado is nearly the carjacking capital of North America and the lib legislature last year passed a law, effective January 1, 2025 that requires you to put your vehicle handgun in a locked, hard cased, container when you leave your car. Plus it has to be “out of sight”. And the vehicle must be locked. Nice. And it doesn’t matter where the vehicle is! Could be at your ranch. Could be in your garage. The law, as designated in the legislative is HB24-1348. As stated in the law, the penalty for violating it: “Unsafe storage of a firearm in a vehicle is a civil infraction.”
Let’s say we are going to go shopping down in Cañon City. Gonna hit four or five places and run back up the hill. Now, because of the dems, you get in your vehicle here, search for the locked container that you have to store “out of sight”. Find the key to unlock it (or remember the combination). Unlock it. Safely remove the weapon. Place it in a spot where you can grab it if you need it. Put the case somewhere. Only now are you ready to start your vehicle and begin your journey down to the great swamp.
The first place you stop in Cañon is a gas station to fill up. Turn vehicle off. Remember, if you don’t have a CCW you can’t conceal carry out of your vehicle. By the statute, YOU CAN’T GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE TO PUMP GAS WITHOUT FINDNG THE CASE, PUTTING THE GUN IN THERE, LOCKING IT, AND THEN HIDING IT. Only then can you exit the vehicle. (Don’t forget you also have to lock the vehicle just to pump gas.) So when the two Biden illegals from Honduras sidle up to you, one holding a knife and want your money, your keys and your vehicle. And maybe YOU. And your wife and kids. Instead of being able to easily retrieve your weapon and defend yourself and your property and family, you are at their mercy. This is what a peasant looks like, folks. You are not a Citizen. You are a helpless peasant. Repeat this scenario during your trip to town at Wally World, King Soopers, Tractor Supply or the coffee shop. Every time you exit your vehicle you have to go through the deep state storage torture. Every time you are helpless when the boogie men come. This is liberal America. This is Colorado.
(Plus, this law forces you to continue to handle a loaded weapon over and over again just to go shopping. Taking the gun in and out of a locked container has an element of danger, as well as placing it in the vehicle so you can retrieve it quickly. And finally, retrieving the loaded, placed handgun back in the container, in its confined environment, also has safety issues. But, as with all dems, you can’t fix stupid….)
So we have two new laws that both restrict our 2nd Amendment rights. And more are coming this year. (The Denver libs have a bill lined up for this year to BAN detachable magazines. For ANY long gun. All new long guns would have to be single shot. I kid you not. How come the SCOTUS decisions Heller and Bruen don’t seem to apply here?)
Below are the legislative CCW and vehicle storage law summaries for your reading pleasure:
(To see the entire, enacted laws, see: and
Concealed Carry Permits & Training
Concerning permits to carry a concealed handgun, and, in connection therewith, establishing standards for concealed handgun training classes.
SESSION: 2024 Regular Session
SUBJECT: Crimes, Corrections, & Enforcement
Under existing law, an applicant for a permit to carry a concealed handgun (permit) must demonstrate competence with a handgun. An applicant may demonstrate competence with a handgun in a number of ways, including by completing a training class offered by a certified instructor within 10 years before submitting an application for a permit. Pursuant to the act, beginning July 1, 2025, an applicant may demonstrate competence with a handgun by completing a training class only if the class satisfies the minimum standards for a training class, described below, and the applicant completes the class within one year before submitting an application for a permit. The act also allows a person to demonstrate competence with a handgun for the purpose of obtaining a permit by holding a current certification as a peace officer.
An initial concealed handgun training class is a law enforcement training firearms safety course or a firearms safety course taught by an instructor verified by a county sheriff (verified instructor) that is held in person and includes instruction regarding:
• Knowledge and safe handling of firearms and ammunition;
• Safe storage of firearms and child safety;
• Safe shooting fundamentals;
• Federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful purchase, ownership, transportation, use, and possession of firearms.
• State law pertaining to the use of deadly force for self-defense;
• Best practices for safely interacting with law enforcement personnel who are responding to an emergency; and
• Techniques for avoiding a criminal attack and how to manage a violent confrontation, including conflict resolution and judgmental use of lethal force.
A student must achieve a passing score on a written concealed handgun competency exam and in a live-fire exercise to complete an initial concealed handgun training class. An initial concealed handgun training class must provide at least 8 hours of instruction, including the live-fire exercise and written exam.
Beginning July 1, 2025, the act requires an applicant to renew a permit to demonstrate competence with a handgun. A renewal applicant may demonstrate competence with a handgun through participation in organized shooting competitions, current military service, or current certification as a peace officer; by being a verified instructor for firearms safety courses; by showing honorable discharge from a branch of the United States armed forces or retirement from a Colorado law enforcement agency with pistol qualifications within 10 years prior to submitting a renewal form; or completing an initial concealed handgun training class or a concealed handgun refresher class (refresher class) within 6 months prior to submitting a renewal form.
A refresher class must be held in person, be taught by a verified instructor, include instruction on changes to laws related to firearms, and require a passing score on a live-fire exercise and written exam. A refresher class must provide at least 2 hours of instruction, including the live-fire exercise and written exam.
The act requires a county sheriff to verify as training instructors any person whose principal place to conduct firearms training is in the sheriff’s county. To be a verified instructor, a person must hold a valid concealed carry permit and be certified as a firearms instructor by a law enforcement agency, college or university, nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or firearms train-ing school. Denial, suspension, or revo-
cation of an instructor verification is subject to judicial review. It is a deceptive trade practice for a person to claim to be a verified instructor for a concealed handgun training class unless the person is verified as a firearms instructor by a county sheriff.
The act prohibits a person from being issued a permit if the person was convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses within 5 years before submitting a permit application.
APPROVED by Governor June 4, 2024
August 7, 2024
July 1, 2025
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)
______ Continue reading Got a CCW? You Better Read This

BOCC Dec. 26 Mtg: New Attorney for DHS, Courthouse Taj Mahal Project back

BOCC: New Attorney Approved for DHS
County Courthouse Taj Mahal Project Rises from the Dead

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The December 26, 2024 Custer County Board of County Commissioners regular meeting started at around 9 a.m. and was held at the commissioners meeting room in the “Annex” building across from the court house. All three commissioners were present: Bill Canda, Lucas Epp and Kevin Day. Continue reading BOCC Dec. 26 Mtg: New Attorney for DHS, Courthouse Taj Mahal Project back

Hwy 96 opens

Following a Rock slide last week which closed Hwy 96 at McKensie Junction, 𝐇𝐰𝐲 𝟗𝟔 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 all the way to Wetmore as of 2:20 p.m. Friday, January 3rd,  per James Buford LTC OPS 1 Region 2 Maintenance Section 4 of CDOT.

James Buford LTC OPS 1 Region 2 Maintenance Section 4 of CDOT.