All posts by sentineladmin

Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach for Fiber-Broadband

Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach
for Fiber-Broadband

“Historic Inter-Governmental Cooperation
underway among all local entities…”

by Mark Carmel,
Carmel Management Company

Many community leaders and concerned citizens are now calling for historic cooperation and collaboration as a result of a “Special Meeting” convened on August 1, 2019. The Town of Silver Cliff Board of Trustees welcomed Custer County Commissioners Bill Canda, Tom Flower and Jay Printz, Westcliffe Mayor Paul
Wenke along with Westcliffe Trustee representatives, and a full house of concerned citizens at Town Hall. Continue reading Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach for Fiber-Broadband

West Custer County Hospital District responds to articles on No Ambulence

Dear Editor,

In response to the July 19 article titled, “No response to Wetmore Emergency,” I would like to provide more facts in this particular call.

It is correct that Custer County EMS (CCEMS) was called to provide service in Wetmore. (an area that has never been a primary call area for CCEMS)

It is correct that a second  CCEMS crew was called. The reason a second crew is called is to ensure that the primary service area (the West Custer County Hospital District) has a crew to respond to its service area.

It is correct that a  second CCEMS crew was not available.

It is correct that Custer County dispatch called AMR out of Canon City/Pueblo respond to this call.

It is correct that like CCEMS, AMR also did not have the crew availability to provide service outside their primary call service area.

It is not correct that “all the while the ambulance crew up the mountain went back to sleep.”

AMR has a contract with the city of Pueblo and the city of Canon City to provide services to the community, much like Custer County EMS has with the residents of the West Custer County Hospital District. At a time we should be collaborating and working together to solve this challenge of providing care to an area in need, I would request that in the future all of the facts are obtained before an article is published.

As always I encourage questions or comments. Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Drew, RN, BSN, MSN
Executive Director
West Custer County Hospital District

Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES

Custer County Board of Commissioners (BOCC)
Afternoon Workshop
—July 17, 2019
by Jackie Bubis
A s you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue. The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the “district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is at the ambulance quarters, the on-call crew will not respond. Continue reading Wetmore: Dial 911 for EMS NO ONE COMES

No EMS Response to Wetmore Emergency

Custer County
Commissioners (BOCC)
A.M. Meeting
by Jackie (Muddy) Bubis
-July 17, 2019
As you have read in the Sentinel, the people in Wetmore are no longer covered by emergency medical care. For years the people below McKenzie Junction have been served by the Florence Fire Department. But that is no more, due to a lack of personnel.
The West Custer County Hospital District also does not, technically, service this area. At numerous meetings, Director Lisa Drew has attempted to lay this issue in the laps of the the county commissioners, who have been wrestling with the issue.
The new policy handed down from the hospital district is this: if a 911 call comes in from out of the
“district”, then it is dispatch’s job to tone out a second ambulance crew. Until that second ambulance crew is available, the on-call crew stationed in Westcliffe, will not respond.
Imagine for a moment the poor dispatcher trying to handle emergencies is now tasked with scrounging up a second ambulance crew. Imagine it no longer. In the early hours of July 5th, an extreme emergency happened to a person driving down the mountain. At the junction in Wetmore, the driver pulled over for the passenger to be sick. What happened then was the
The passenger had a significant medical emergency right there in the middle of the road. EMS was toned. Dispatched toned the second crew. No one answered. Finally, Flight for Life was called. Ordinarily, the Fire Department lands the helicopter. In this case, a lone fireman from
Wetmore did the best he could and the helicopter landed and loaded up the unfortunate patient. All the while the ambulance crew up the mountain went back to sleep.
The County Commissioners will further address the issue at a workshop this afternoon at the Wetmore Community Center. More to come on this issue.

Ms Drew responded to this article on 7/25/19. Response HERE

Custerites Fed Up – Sign the Petition at the Sentinel


Recall Polis Petition holders have been volunteering to sit outside the
Sentinel at the corner of 6th and Main on weekends, for those voters who want to sign but can’t make it during business hours which are Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. The response has been incredible. Above: Ann Barthrop, Peggi Collins, Bill Parker, Joe Cascarelli and Dennis Shaydak. Sentinel Photo

by George Gramlich
The statewide petition to place Colorado’s Governor Jared
Polis on the ballot to be recalled is available to be signed at the
Sangre de Cristo Sentinel at 601 Main Street in Westcliffe, CO. (Other valid petition gatherers are also circulating in the County.) Continue reading Custerites Fed Up – Sign the Petition at the Sentinel

Polis Recall IS ON!!!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Colorado Secretary of State gave the nod to the Recall Polis Petition wording submitted to it recently by the Dismiss Polis Committee group (see last Monday, July 8th. 23,000 petitions were printed on Tuesday and were distributed around the state Wednesday. If the petition drive is successful, there will be a recall election in the fall.
The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel is the Recall Polis petition signing center for Custer County. Continue reading Polis Recall IS ON!!!

Colorado’s 2019 Legislative Record -Kevin Lundberg

House of Representatives, Colorado State Capitol Building, Denver, Colorado, USA 2007 – Photograph by Greg O’Beirne – Own work, Creative Commons
An analysis of significant legislation passed into law by the 72nd General Assembly

by Kevin Lundberg

Kevin is a former Colorado State Senator and the Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee of Colorado

“After 120 days, 598 bills, 32 billion dollars, and who knows how many votes and amendments, the session finally ended. It will take months and years to unravel all the fundamental changes that have been wrought on the people of this state.

Political veterans are shaking their heads in disbelief. No one has ever seen so much damage done to our economy, our schools, parental authority, and specific industries (like oil and gas, electric utilities, the rental industry, etc.), and commonly accepted cultural values (like identifying people as men and women in schools, on drivers licenses and birth certificates).”

Never have I been so much at a loss for words in trying to describe these huge changes in state policies. Here is a brief description of the colossal changes the Governor and this year’s legislature are forcing on the people of Colorado.”

Kevin goes into great detail on each bill. This is the definitive Go To for the 2019 Session. We recommend concerned citizens save it for a reference.

To download the 38 page report  in a pdf, go here. 


Polis Recallers Have Solution for Unity, At Long Last

Resist Polis PAC votes to distribute a third-party
recall petition

Press Release
—June 26, 2019
Resist Polis PAC

A  newly drafted recall petition, submitted this week by the Dismiss Polis Issue Committee to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, appears to be the solution concerned Coloradans wanting to recall Governor Jared Polis have sought for months.
Dismiss Polis is not affiliated with any previous recall efforts and will act as a neutral, third-party organization, being the solution to the necessity of only one petition circulating to recall the Governor.
Leadership from the Resist Polis PAC team has voted to circulate the petition of Dismiss Polis this summer, as it fits with our consistent message of unity across the state.
Polis recall petitions will be printed by Dismiss Polis and can be distributed to volunteer signature gatherers across Colorado by any recall organization wishing to assist in the recall efforts. Completed, notarized petition packets would then be returned to Dismiss Polis before all signatures are turned into the Secretary of State.
Our team at Resist Polis PAC encourages any other recall groups to make the right decision for Colorado and circulate the Dismiss Polis petition. Filing a second petition will cause division in a time when Coloradans need unity more than ever.

Recall Kickoff -Full House

by Fred Hernandez and staff

Once again on the Liberty Rocks platform at Tony’s Mountain Pizza on Thursday June 27th, Dan Bubis began the meeting by introducing the Liberty Rocks format and purpose and his wife, Jackie, gave a second edition of “Can One Man Make a Difference”. The Liberty Rocks presenter for the evening was Mr. Tom Good, an energetic leader of the group that seeks to rectify whatever went wrong in the last gubernatorial election.

Continue reading Recall Kickoff -Full House