Tag Archives: Royal Gorge Gun Club

It’s 2 a.m. Whats that noise?

by Mark Bunch/President Royal Gorge Gun Club/Chairman Fremont County NRA

You have had a rough week. Fighting with your spouse and the summer heat has been merciless this year, making it almost impossible to sleep at night. This is probably the first night you have actually been able to fall asleep in a couple of weeks and now something has just woken you up. You lie there listening to the sounds of your house, your wife is sound asleep as is your ankle biting pet dog at the foot of the bed. Continue reading It’s 2 a.m. Whats that noise?

4,000 yards in 8.5 seconds

by Mark Bunch,
President Royal Gorge Gun Club/Chairman Fremont County NRA
Long Distance Rifle Shooting basics
Once upon a time in the not too distant past, if you were a long-distance shooter, you likely had the skill set, knowledge and experience to shoot at and hit your 1 M.O.A. target out to1,000 yards or so. As most of you reading this already know, a 1 M.O.A. target subtends 1.047 inches at 100 yards or commonly rounded down to 1 inch at a hundred yards, or roughly 10 inches at 1,000 yards which used to be considered the long-distance threshold for long distance rifle shooting. Continue reading 4,000 yards in 8.5 seconds

Republicans Unite at 1776 Armory Candidate Forum

by Mark Bunch
Gun owners, hunters and pro 2nd Amendment members of our citizenry have largely been ignored over the past few years by both sides of the aisle, and have been hungry for their own voices to be heard in our political arena, especially locally. Continue reading Republicans Unite at 1776 Armory Candidate Forum