Custer County C-1 School Board Meeting
—January 16, 2018
by Larry Luikart,
President Davis called the meeting to order leading the assembled group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Director Parkes was absent to attend to the needs of his spouse who was having a medical procedure.
There were no Public Comments requested at either session as listed in the Agenda.
The Consent Agenda included four items: The minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on December 12, 2017; Head Coach and Athletic Director Evaluation forms; a request for Leave of Absence by Carrie Smith. All requests were approved by the Board. Continue reading January 16th School Board Meeting: from Districts to an At-large Election?
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Liberal Protestors Target The Sentinel, Tibetan Yak Love Songs Heard
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Building Trades Class Project for 2017-18 School Year
by Jim Silver
This year’s class of eight students is making good progress in the second phase of the project begun last school year, which is two more housing units for Custer County teachers.
Last year’s class completed the two ground floor apartments of the four-plex, which are presently occupied. Now, the garden-level units are under construction by this crew of mostly experienced hands in the carpentry trade, under the watchful eye of their instructor, Mr. Cole McCollum. “Mostly experienced” means that these young men—all juniors and seniors and half of them return attendees of this class– are demonstrating an ever-increasing body of skills and are making correct how-to decisions along the way. Continue reading Building Trades Class Project for 2017-18 School Year
Dark Skies Redux: A Lighter Side of Darkness Proposed ?
by George Gramlich,
Clint Smith, Vice President of the local Dark Skies organization, was gracious in visiting with the Sentinel last week with regards to a new, revised Dark Skies amendment that his organization is now proposing. You will recall that their original one, now before Custer County’s Planning and Zoning Commission (on their February 5th meeting agenda), was quite oppressive and it also had criminal and monetary penalties for violations. (Although Commissioner Printz denied, in public, multiple times, that the proposal contained those penalties. He has never retracted those comments.) This proposal was widely panned in multiple BOCC and general public meetings as being a massive infringement on our property rights without any compelling state interest. Continue reading Dark Skies Redux: A Lighter Side of Darkness Proposed ?
Dark Skies VP Clint Smith Softens Approach
Letter to the Editor;
On Monday, February 5, at 1:30 p.m. the Custer County Planning Commission will be conducting another public meeting to solicit further comment on the issue of amending the Custer County Zoning Resolution with respect to light pollution. This issue has been characterized over the past several months as an attempt by our non-profit group—Dark Skies of the Wet Mountain Valley—to impose a “Dark Skies ordinance” and to force onerous and restrictive outdoor lighting regulations on the residents of the county. Continue reading Dark Skies VP Clint Smith Softens Approach
A Call from Bradburn on Dark Skies: Lumens and Ranchers
Dear Editor,
I received a very cordial phone call from Jim Bradburn, the president of the Astronomy Club, in which he explained some Dark-Sky guidelines concerning a dark sky reserve which shed more light on the subject than my poor old brain previously picked up.
My main concern was the effect the proposed addition to the zoning resolutions would have on our ranchers. The effect would be nothing because of Resolution 98-14 Establishing a right to ranch and farm policy of Custer County which protects our ranchers and farmers from all complaints having to do with their ranching and farming. Continue reading A Call from Bradburn on Dark Skies: Lumens and Ranchers
Colorado and Marijuana; Open Letter to FoxNews Five
FoxNews “The Five” panel;
You guys disseminated so much inaccurate information January 4, 2018, that someone should apologize to your viewing audience. So, Dana hasn’t lived in Colorado for 23 years and still offers statistical information that is 100% wrong. The vote to legalize marijuana wasn’t a landslide, it was very close…53.3% “yes” and 46.7% “no.” If she and Geraldo think that everything is going fine, maybe you should ask someone who lives in Colorado and who has some policing experience…me for example. Continue reading Colorado and Marijuana; Open Letter to FoxNews Five
Response to Brown-out
December 29, 2017
I’d like to respond to Mr. Brown’s Letter to the Editor published in the December 22nd edition of the Sentinel. Mr. Brown actually gets it right, it is about property rights. Unfortunately, Mr. Brown demonstrates that he not only doesn’t understand property rights, he obviously doesn’t understand tyranny either.
First of all, you absolutely have the right to light or not light your property. What you don’t have is a right to tell me how to light my property. You also don’t have the right to force me to live in darkness. You clearly believe that equal rights, property or otherwise entitles you to infringe as you please on my rights. Property rights dictate that the owner can do what he wants with his property. Your interpretation would be that since you have an equal right to my property, you can not only force some action on my part, but you can also use my property as you see fit. If dark skies were a right, like life, liberty and property, every person living in a city is deprived of that right. What are you doing about restoring those rights? Every decent size town or city proves that there isn’t some right to darkness that the residents enjoy except in such advanced areas as North Korea. Continue reading Response to Brown-out
BOCC: December 29, 2017
Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC)
—December 29, 2017
by Jackie Bubis
The meeting started at 9 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call. Commissioners Printz and Canda were present via phone. Introductions of the public in attendance followed.
Minutes for November 30th, December 5, 6, 7, and 14th were approved unanimously.
Commissioner Items
Commissioner Canda had a great meeting with the Road & Bridge crew in Wetmore. He reported an enjoyable tour of the “world’s greatest grader.” He missed meeting with the folks from Wetmore at the Community Center but did get a tour. Regarding speeding issues on Kettle Lane, there will be one additional sign posted to let folks know that they’re approaching a speed limit change. He also attended the Airport Board meeting. Continue reading BOCC: December 29, 2017
Dark Skies Brown-out
Dear Editor,
After attending a planning meeting on Dark Skies, on December 11 th, I have decided the whole issue is not about dark skies. The issue is about personal rights. Those who believe that they have unlimited rights to shine unlimited amounts of light in unlimited directions feel they are just exercising their property rights. This light may destroy the dark skies above or it may be directly sent in the way and direction of others. Those who believe in their unlimited rights do not recognize the rights of many others as being equal to theirs. They must believe that their rights somehow exceed those of many. They must believe that those who might exercise their property rights to enjoy the wonders of the sky above with their naked eyes or telescopes have rights that can be run over roughshod and disrespected. Continue reading Dark Skies Brown-out