Category Archives: BOCC

BOCC Sept 6: County Manager, County Manager, County Manager

by George Gramlich, News and Commentary

The September 6, 2023 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting started at 1 p.m. in the their offices in the Annex Building. All three commissioners were there: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp.
In Commissioners Items, Canda said a Cessna airplane crashed when landing at the SilverWest Airport due to high winds. There were no injuries but the front of the plane was heavily damaged.
Public Comments from the packed gallery continued to center around the County Manager (CM) debacle. Joy Anderson spoke saying that a group of local citizens are forming an “investigation committee” that will seek to determine what actually happened with Day’s County Manager rush job and they want to find the “facts”. She asked the commissioners to formally recognize the committee and asked them to ask the County Clerk to help them get all the “records”. Continue reading BOCC Sept 6: County Manager, County Manager, County Manager

BOCC: Day Doubles Down on Paying Wilson $50k for Five Days Work

by George Gramlich
News and Commentary
Another wild one at the August 31, 2023 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting in their throne room in the old VSO office. All three commissioners were present: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Lucas Epp. The meeting started at 9 a.m. Continue reading BOCC: Day Doubles Down on Paying Wilson $50k for Five Days Work

Wilson, Day and the Fruit Tree in the Garden

by George Gramlich, Some News, Mostly Commentary

Sept 1, 2023

Apparently, right after last Wednesday’s Custer County Board of County Commissioners Special Meeting, where com-missioners Bill Canda and Lucas Epp voted to rescind the Resolution that created the despised County Manager (CM) position, which in turn, immediately terminated the CM, Braden Wilson, anointed by commissioner Kevin Day and ex-commissioner Tommy “Bye Bye” Flower just the week before, something strange happened.
From what we have been told, right after the meeting ended, the
county’s new Finance Manager handed Wilson, who was just terminated, a Custer County check for $54,000! Yes, Fifty Four Thousand U.S. Dollars! Not a bad pay check for a guy WHO ONLY WORKED FIVE DAYS AS THE COUNTY MANAGER! Yup, FIVE Days. Smell bad, fellow taxpayers?  It stinks. Continue reading Wilson, Day and the Fruit Tree in the Garden

Recall Election Close

The People Have Spoken
Flower Be Gone, Epp Be In
Close, But a Win Is a Win

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
August 8, 2023 Election

Twenty votes. Out of around 2,300 votes cast. Wow! Those twenty votes were the margin that booted sitting Custer County Commissioner Tom Flower from his job and replaced him with a local businessman, Lucas Epp. 1,181 votes to recall Flower with 1,161 votes to not recall him. Power to the people.
Real close, but a win. Apparently there are a handful of ballots with signature issues that must be “cured” by August 17th. But as the vote was basically 50/50 these ballots should follow that split. Then an audit must be performed by August 21st and the election certified by August 22nd. Thus,  the election results should be good to go. Continue reading Recall Election Close

BOCC: Day and Flower Continue to Rush Through the County Manager Job Details

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) had two meetings on Wednesday, July 19, 2023. A workshop in the morning on reviewing the proposed Custer County Board of County Commissioners and County Manager Policy Manual and a second one at 2:39 p.m. to approve it. All three commissioners were at each meeting: Chair Kevin Day, and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom Flower. Continue reading BOCC: Day and Flower Continue to Rush Through the County Manager Job Details

BOCC Shocker! Secret Meeting to Force County Manager on Custerites

BOCC Shocker! Secret Meeting
Initiated by HR Wilson Gets The Despised
County Manager Position
Approved and Wilson Hired as CM!
No Others Considered! Illegal?
Day, Flower, Wilson Guilty of Dirty Politics

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
We’ve seen some pretty shaky things at the Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meetings over the last ten years but the meeting on June 29, 2023, takes the cake. In describing what happened that Thursday the words duplicity, arrogance of power, sneakiness, secret discussions, disdain for the citizens and flat out dishonesty come to mind. And it is all about the proposed County Manager (CM) position. Oh my! Continue reading BOCC Shocker! Secret Meeting to Force County Manager on Custerites

Flower Recall Election Is a Go

Flower Recall Election Is a GO!
Judge Rules Recall Petition Valid
Slams Hedberg’s Attempt to Stop the Recall

June 7, 2023

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Looks like ol’ Jordy “Red Bug” Hedberg caused Custer County a LOT of money and trouble again as he tried to derail the recall campaign against Custer County Commissioner Tom Flower with a bogus complaint that caused a huge ruckus. But, in the end, thankfully, justice prevailed and a recall election against Flower will be held soon and hopefully the Flower train wreck will derail and we will have a new Commissioner. Continue reading Flower Recall Election Is a Go

May 2 & 3 BOCC- New County Attorney, SO Repair, Carsten’s Jeep

We Are So Blessed!
Two BOCC Reports in One Article

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Our mighty three musketeers, that is our three Custer County Commissioners held two Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meetings last week. One on May 2nd and the other on May3rd. All three muskies were present at both meetings: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower. Both meetings started at
9 a.m.
The May 2, 2023
BOCC Meeting:
Staff Reports:
Sheriff Rich Smith was the first victim. Smith reported that the Sheriff’s Office (SO) had a grand total of eight transports to/from the hoosegow in Cañon City. He reported that our Fremont 911 Authority costs will go up around 5% this year. Continue reading May 2 & 3 BOCC- New County Attorney, SO Repair, Carsten’s Jeep

Nov 30 BOCC: A New County Manager Position– More Bureaucracy?

BOCC: A New County Manager Position–
More Bureaucracy?
Paper of Record Craziness

by George Gramlich, News and Commentary
The November 30, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting started promptly at 9 a.m. with all three mighty musketeers present: Chair Kevin Day, and members Tom Flower and Bill Canda. Continue reading Nov 30 BOCC: A New County Manager Position– More Bureaucracy?

BOCC: The Quest For a Bigger Local Bureaucracy Never Stops

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

C uster County’s mighty Three Musketeers (i.e., our County Commissioners) opened their Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) November 11, 2022, meeting a few minutes after 9 a.m. All three muskies were in their regally appointed throne room: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom (“TT”) Flower.
Day and Canda gave brief Commissioner Comments while Traitor Tom spent a LONG time on his most recent excursions into the local political world of mindless government meetings. Continue reading BOCC: The Quest For a Bigger Local Bureaucracy Never Stops