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GOP Legislators Emerge from Historic Filibuster to Massive Applause at Pro-Life Rally

Photo by Matt Connelly

by Matt Connelly,

Colorado’s House Republicans spent almost 24 hours fighting a Democratic abortion bill from 10:53 a.m. Friday morning to 10:18 a.m Saturday morning – setting what appears to be a record in Colorado’s state capitol.
A massive rally of pro-life Coloradans organized outside the Capitol rewarded those efforts Saturday morning with raucous applause as many of the Republican legislators stepped out into the light of day on the Capitol balcony overlooking the pro-life rally.
A minority in Colorado’s legislature, House Republicans were ultimately unsuccessful in their
efforts to push back on what a
recent Gazette editorial called a “barbaric new bill.”
At the rally, opposition protesters from Denver Communists and other unidentifiable groups played sirens and yelled through loudspeakers in an attempt to drown out the pro-life crowd’s message and enthusiasm. They were not successful.
The demonstrators screamed F-bombs through megaphones around young children, insulted Christianity, and screamed at the adults and the children that they were Nazis.
In return, the pro-life crowd prayed for the protesters.

(Editor/GG: You think our local libs are any different than these evil dem creatures in Denver. Vote conservative. Save Custer County from this evil.)
Please see this full story and more Colorado news at the new CAMPFIRE COLORADO site  here 

Also: For more on the bill’s background see this article in this week’s Sentinel.

BOCC: Academy Award Performance by Flower?

BOCC: Academy Award Performance by Flower?
Two Epic Temper Tantrums Over His Discipline
Flower Plays the Victim Now

by George Gramlich,
News and Notations

This almost five-hour Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting will go down in the books as one of our regal commissioner’s finest Academy Award acting efforts ever. Too bad it was all about anger, aggression, revenge and narcissistic behavior. (Guess who?) In the end, did he win his Oscar? Read and make your own decision. Continue reading BOCC: Academy Award Performance by Flower?

Glock PDW

by Mark Bunch/Royal Gorge Gun Club President/Chairman Fremont County NRA
The ubiquitous PDW, or personal defense weapon has been around since the mid 1930s Germany with the adoption of the Red 9 Mauser in 9mm parabellum with the C96 stock. Our own version of a PDW was the M1 Carbine, chambered in .30 carbine which used a 110-grain rounded ball projectile travelling at around 1,900 fps. Back in WWII, this type of weapon wasn’t referred to as a PDW as that term didn’t come about until the 1980s. The “Personal Defense Weapon” (PDW) concept was created in response to a NATO request as a replacement for 9×19mm Parabellum submachine guns. The NATO PDW is a compact automatic weapon that can defeat enemy body armor, and which can be used conveniently by non-combatant and support troops, as well as a close quarters battle weapon for special forces and counter-terrorist groups. Continue reading Glock PDW

Florence Resident Requests CBI Investigation of City Government

by Charlotte Burrous

March 8, 2022

As a guest speaker, resident Tim Jordan continued his campaign to bring corruption to an end in Florence during the Florence City Council on Monday.
“In hearing your report of a forensic audit, this is going to be kind of a touchy subject,” Jordan said. “I see you’ve reached out to Commissioner Debbie Bell, asking for assistance. A forensic audit has been asked for quite some time. … I find it kind of disturbing it took an outside reporter to come in and calculate stuff and come up that you are missing money. Other than that, whether it’s $10 or $10,000, and all the other stuff she’s found. What bothers me [is] it took her to come in here and find all this stuff in a short amount of time. My suggestion is to contact CBI, lock the door and do an investigation. I want to know where every penny has (gone). I want every record that’s gone out of here — all of it. If [the reporter] would not have done this, we would not have found out about the wage advances. We would not have found out about the money that [is] still owed.”
At that point, Interim City Manager Tom Piltingsrud said he spoke to the current County Administrator and former Florence Finance Officer Sunny Barnes about a forensic audit. ” Continue reading Florence Resident Requests CBI Investigation of City Government

TL Weighs in on the People’s Convoy

by TL Davis
The People’s Convoy is currently on route to Washington, DC, as an expression of the people’s frustrations with government overreach as the last, best chance for Americans to peacefully reconcile with the rogue government in the nation’s capital. The organizers, Maureen Steele, Brian Base and Mike Lilly have had to grow into their positions amid the constant assault by the mainstream media and competing convoys that view their efforts as a bit lackluster and less than dedicated to the cause. But what is the cause, exactly? Is it a rescinded order for “vaccine” mandates? Is it general freedom? Is it a return to the Constitution? Is it the removal of the emergency act? Yes.
The need for a single, driving objective is wanting. When asked by media outlets during interviews the organizers have given all of these answers, sometimes more, sometimes less. The purpose, the single thing that needs to be accomplished, is not clearly defined. The one clear objective I’ve heard that is accomplishable, and readily embraced by all, is the elimination of the emergency act that was recently renewed by Joe Biden seemingly to infinity. That should be the focus and that would allow the convoy to return home with a victory. Failure to end the emergency act would inspire the true supporters to call their representatives and senators, something even largely blue states would endorse, since most of them have been looking for a reason to criticize Biden ahead of the 2022 elections and to end their unpopular mandates.
Would it be better if this convoy could restore the freedom, close the open border and end the emergency act? Yes, but that leaves all of these trucks in Washington, DC, as targets of opportunity for FBI or Antifa (maybe both) to create a false flag and generate wholesale arrests.
The lack of a clear objective is just one sign that the organizers are out ahead of their skis. They’re pretty good at publicity and getting crowds to mobilize, but when they do, the planning often goes awry. In California, there was a substantial crowd and it was bigger at Kingman, AZ. In Lupton, AZ, the Navajo Tribal Elder blessed the convoy and encouraged the members to restore American freedom. Elk City was much like Kingman and at Vinita, OK, it was much bigger with some smaller convoys joining the effort. This is where the cracks start to show. Parking is always difficult and getting worse. Security of the parking area for those in cars, is suspect; the locations are only related over CB and those without a radio miss a lot of information, like where exactly the stop is supposed to be. Donations have come in at an embarrassing volume. Two days ago, there were two semi-trailers full of donated food and more arriving every day.
As one who has been with the convoy since its inception, I can say that these cracks during the Western progression are tolerable, if inconvenient. My concern comes when the convoy passes the Mississippi River and moves into much more unfriendly territory. The trucks will be secure, but what about the 200 or so cars that were invited into the convoy? What about the large motorhomes, not the ones with political celebrities in them, but the others, you know, the regular people?
With military trucks being mobilized to the area around Washington, D.C. and the National Guard called up out of the feigned fear of a trucker convoy, setting the stage for another January 6th false flag, it seems important to have specific information that is easily conveyed and competent, talented leadership that can be trusted with the security of the convoy. I’ve seen nothing of private security, and they seem to rely solely on local police assistance. That won’t work in the East.
Having said all of that, one might wonder why anyone would remain with the convoy. Despite the inexperience, and that’s all it is, the organizers try very hard, work long hours and are dedicated to this endeavor. For all of the potential downside, The People’s Convoy is still a means of inflaming the great patriotic heart of the American people. The convoy gives the people hope and the people give the convoy strength. If this is, as I suspect, a long, hard-fought war, we are but the first (or second) wave in a bigger battle to be fought long after our souls have been redeemed.
Editor/GG: TL reported on Monday, February 28th that the People’s Convoy was estimated to be around 30 miles long with smaller
convoys joining on a regular basis.

Brad Baltzly Announces Run for Coroner

In a letter to the Editor, Brad Announced his run for Coroner:

Hello Custer County.
I am pleased to announce that I am running for Custer County Coroner. I have lived in the valley since 1994 and have operated Baltzly Construction Services here for almost 28 years. I have an extensive background in death and crime scene investigation including training on the national level at the National Forensics Laboratory, Metro State College in Denver, and all of the courses offered by the Colorado Coroner’s Association. I was your chief deputy coroner here for five years.
Many people have asked me “why would you want to be coroner?” My answer is this, the death is an unfortunate and sad part of the job, but the investigation is very intriguing, and as the last advocate for the deceased, our job is incredibly important. In such a small community I’ve known many of the people I’ve picked up. Many were close friends. Friends that didn’t want to be handled by a stranger. I took great pride in being there for them and for my community when they needed me. You can follow me on Facebook baltzly for coroner or email me at
I would greatly appreciate your support in the upcoming primary election. Thank you for your consideration. –—Brad Baltzly

BOCC: Do the Towers of Babel Still Live?

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Wednesday, February 16, 2022 meeting of the Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) occurred in the Wetmore Community Center building and started at 9 a.m. It lasted four, long, long hours. All three musketeers showed up: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower.
The commissioners regaled us as usual with all the meetings and events they attended since the last muskie love fest. Just the usual government nonsense. Continue reading BOCC: Do the Towers of Babel Still Live?

February Town of Westcliffe Board of Trustees Meeting

—February 22, 2022
Summary: Election Cancelled, Bootlegger’s Possible Additional Outdoor Seating, Candidates for Sheriff, and Changes to Town Employee Sick and Vacation Leave Policy

by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was rescheduled from Monday, February 21st to Tuesday, February 22nd in observance of Presidents’ Day, and convened at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. A quorum of Trustees was present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.   Continue reading February Town of Westcliffe Board of Trustees Meeting

Peoples Convoy 2-21-2-22

Press Release


American Truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on February 23 from Adelanto Stadium in Southern California

ADELANTO, Calif., (Feb. 20, 2022) American truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from the Adelanto Stadium in Southern California. Starting at 10:00 a.m., hundreds of truckers will hear words of encouragement and blessings from a group of speakers including FLCCC President Dr. Pierre Kory and Godspeak Church Pastor Rob McCoy. The truckers and blue-collar workers of the United States will be joined by freedom-loving supporters from all walks of life – frontline doctors, lawyers, first- responders, former military servicemen and women, students, retirees, mothers, fathers and children – on this peaceful and law-abiding transcontinental journey toward the east coast. The truckers encourage one and all to come out to the stadium in the heart of Adelanto, California to wish them well, see them off and join in the journey.

This convoy is about freedom and unity: the truckers are riding unified across party and state lines and with people of all colors and creeds – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Agnostics, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Republican, Democrats. All individuals are welcome to participate by either attending the launch gathering – at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday February 23, at Adelanto Stadium – or by getting in their own vehicles and following the big rigs from Adelanto toward the east coast!

The message of The People’s Convoy is simple. The last 23 months of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a rough road for all Americans to travel: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and – not least – financially. With the advent of the vaccine and workable therapeutic agents, along with the hard work of so many sectors that contributed to declining COVID-19 cases and severity of illness, it is now time to re-open the country. The average American worker needs to be able to end-run the economic hardships of the last two years, and get back to the business of making bread – so they can pay their rents and mortgages and help jumpstart this economy. To that end, it’s time for elected officials to work with the blue collar and white-collar workers of America and restore accountability and liberty – by lifting all mandates and ending the state of emergency – as COVID is well-in-hand now, and Americans need to get back to work in a free and unrestricted manner.

The People’s Convoy is a non-partisan, trucker-led effort supported by a cross-cultural and multi-faith contingent of supporters including

  • Pierre Kory and the doctors of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)
  • Liberty-minded lawyers such as Tom Renz and Joey Gilbert (Gubernatorial candidate – Nevada)
  • Pastors like Rob McCoy and Rick Brown of Godspeak Church
  • Transportation workers including rail workers and pilots A broad consortium of organizations including
  • The Unity Project
  • The America Project
  • Advocates for Citizens’ Rights
  • S. Freedom Flyers
  • The American Foundation for Civil Liberties & Freedom
  • Faith groups from every spectrum


Newsmax and Eric Bolling have indicated they will do a ride along and live daily updates from the convoy with Maureen Steele. The Epoch Times and a variety of other journalists, media outlets and

podcasters will also be embedding. Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV will be covering the convoy – and the activists on the ground and across the country – with live updates every day at 10 am EST at


The convoy is being assisted by retired military personnel and security experts, who are spearheading logistics in order to ensure a 100% safe, lawful, and peaceful journey.

The People’s Convoy Route*

*Route subject to change

Day 1: Wednesday, February 23

Morning – Depart Adelanto Stadium, CA

Evening – Arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay

Day 2: Thursday, February 24

Morning – Depart Kingman, AZ head east on I-40, toward Lupton, AZ Evening – Arrive in Lupton, AZ for overnight stay

Day 3: Friday, February 25

Morning – Depart Lupton, AZ on I-40 eastbound thru New Mexico Evening – Arrive in Glenrio, TX for overnight stay

Day 4: Saturday, February 26

Morning – Depart Glenrio, TX

Evening – Arrive in Elk City, OK area for overnight stay

Day 5: Sunday, February 27

Morning – Depart Elk City, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Vinita, OK area for overnight stay

Day 6: Monday, February 28

Morning – Depart Vinita, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Sullivan, MO area for overnight stay


Day 7: Tuesday, March 1

Morning – Depart Sullivan, MO area

Evening – Arrive in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 8: Wednesday, March 2

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Pause for rest in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 9: Thursday, March 3

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Arrive in Cambridge, OH area for overnight stay

Day 10: Friday, March 4

Morning – Depart Cambridge, OH area

Evening – Arrive in Hagerstown, MD area for overnight stay

Day 11: Saturday, March 5

Morning – Depart Hagerstown, MD area Evening – Arrive in the DC Beltway area

The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.


Stay tuned for opportunities for elected officials and regular folks to go “Ridin’ Shotgun” with an actual trucker for a day – as well as an opportunity to bid on one seat that will be sold on our Operations Vehicle – for a similar ride-along opportunity. Details will be posted to the website soon.

To support the truckers, see the routes, or find out more, please visit:

This website and the official social media handles are the ONLY source of accurate data about this peaceful, law-abiding convoy – we hope to see America there!

Instagram: Twitter: