Tag Archives: Boston Globe

The Colorado Press Association: Part of the Deep State?

by George Gramlich, Editor

I received this email below from Jill Farschman of the Colorado Press Association last week:

The last line is a link to the Boston Globe article calling for all the newspapers in the U.S. to write editorials condemning President Trump’s attacks against the main stream media concerning the media coverage of him and his administration.
The Colorado Press Association (CPA) is the “trade” group for Colorado newspapers. It has been around for a long time. It is definitely left leaning. Regrettably, when we started the Sentinel six years ago we thought it prudent to join the CPA for a variety of reasons, one being credibility as a new, startup newspaper. It isn’t cheap to join. It became apparent when working with them and viewing their publications over a period of two years that the Sentinel was probably a lone sheep dog in a pack of left wing wolves. So we quit the organization. Continue reading The Colorado Press Association: Part of the Deep State?