Sheepdog Barks About Justice Roberts

I know that President George W. Bush (aka 43) thought he was making a great pick for the Supreme Court when he nominated John Roberts. Sadly it has been just another bad selection by a republican president. Republicans have a bad track record. Far too often these republican choices become the dreaded “swing vote” on many important issues. Roberts shocked the conservative world when he sided with the liberals on the Obamacare individual mandate. The first time in our history that the government forced the citizens to buy a product that only the liberals thought was the right thing to do. Clearly Obamacare was unconstitutional as written and passed into law with ONLY Democrat votes. Justice Roberts had to exercise gold-medal-worthy “judicial gymnastics” and actually rewrite the law for the Democrats so he could join with them. If you remember he said the Democrats really meant “tax” when they clearly wrote and meant the word “fine”. He was psychic you see. He apparently knew what the liberals meant. What a terrible misguided finding he thrust on Americans. Several years later (and just a few months ago) he wrote an opinion piece that said judges and justices are NOT political. What a laugh. This was to justify the clearly political opinions and rulings coming out against President Trump (PT) on almost everything he is trying to do to protect America and its citizens. Roberts said that the judicial community was made up of all independent thinking judges. Really? Then why are about 80% of the liberal Ninth Circuit’s findings overturned? Why are there so many 5-4 decisions in the Supreme Court, right down the “party” line? We all know why. So what is Justice Roberts up to? Is he voting based on strict constitutional interpretations? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Last week Roberts broke away again from the other conservatives, and his own voting record on abortion, to block a Louisiana law requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. He is clearly playing politics. He recently voted to block PT’s asylum policy when illegally crossing at other than our point of entries. Even the MSM knows this. Here is what the Associated Press (AP) had to say about his behavior. The AP concluded, and I think rightly so, that Justice Roberts is DETERMINED to keep the court from moving too far right. Really? That’s NOT his job! I thought he said that judges don’t play politics. The AP went on to say that it’s clear Roberts is also DETERMINED to keep the court from being perceived as just another forum for partisan politics in Washington. See, they aren’t being fooled. Roberts is trying to make the Supreme Court appear “fair”. And that’s NOT his job. His job is to rule on the constitutionality of a case. Doesn’t matter which way that “appears” politically. During a recent appearance at Tennessee’s Belmont University last week Roberts said that “people need to know that we’re not doing politics. They need to know that we’re doing something different, that we are applying the law.” BALONEY! He hasn’t fooled me. WOOF!
The LPSCDs are pulling back the curtains and are hell bent on legalizing abortion on demand up to birth AND EVEN AFTER. They are conducting a full-scale frontal attack on killing America’s babies, even the ones born alive. New York has already passed an infanticide law. And Virginia recently tried. Other states like Rhode Island and Vermont are working hard to join them. There was a recent event that I think didn’t get quite enough attention, but is a clear signal of what the LPSCDs are up to. Planned Parenthood has a new president. Her name is Dr. Leana Wen. Dr. Wen decided to throw off the cloak of Planned Parenthood’s (PP) long time deceit. After an interview where the media mistakenly emphasized her comments about expanding non-abortion services she felt compelled to clarify. She said “PP’s core mission” is to provide, protect and expand access to abortion.” She went on to say “we will never back down from that fight – it’s a fundamental human right and women’s lives are at stake.” HOWL! Really? The murder of human babies is a fundamental human right? Does she not realize that it is clearly the lives of the babies at stake? So then Dr. Wen said “these headlines completely misconstrue my vision for PP. The last thing I want is people to get the impression that we are backing off our core mission. We will always be here to provide abortion access…IT’S WHO WE ARE.” HOWL! She is evil. PP is evil. The Democrats are evil. They all want legal infanticide. They have now become the party of ‘human baby’ death. Consider their platform. We cannot kill a heinous criminal because that’s cruel and unusual punishment. We cannot kill baby birds, baby seals or baby frogs but it is perfectly okay to kill a baby human up to the point of full term birth and even afterwards. Dear God, can they get anymore evil? I think not. WOOF!
The Republicans introduced an anti-infanticide bill last week in the Senate. It is called the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.” It would protect any baby born alive during an abortion procedure which happens in late term abortions depending on the method being used. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) blocked it from a vote. May God have mercy on her soul. The Democrats have blocked every attempt that’s been made to protect the unborn. Even now that “science” has proven that babies can feel pain, the Democrats also blocked the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Sadly they were joined by two Republican Senators – Collins and Murkowski. What is happening in America? This is disgusting! It is our “national shame” and most grievous sin. WOOF!
My final thoughts: During the State of the Union (SOTU) the Democrat women wore white. That symbolic act for purity was lost on me. They don’t deserve what white usually stands for. The “Women in White” refused to stand and applaud when PT called for a ban on murdering full term babies. And get this. Who was Speaker Nancy “Jezebel” Pelosi’s honored guest at the SOTU? Yep, the wicked Dr. Leana Wen! Didn’t see her but she was probably wearing white. WOOF!
May God Have Mercy On America! JMH