Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach for Fiber-Broadband

Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach
for Fiber-Broadband

“Historic Inter-Governmental Cooperation
underway among all local entities…”

by Mark Carmel,
Carmel Management Company

Many community leaders and concerned citizens are now calling for historic cooperation and collaboration as a result of a “Special Meeting” convened on August 1, 2019. The Town of Silver Cliff Board of Trustees welcomed Custer County Commissioners Bill Canda, Tom Flower and Jay Printz, Westcliffe Mayor Paul
Wenke along with Westcliffe Trustee representatives, and a full house of concerned citizens at Town Hall.
The purpose of the meeting was two-fold. To report to Silver Cliff Trustees and its community the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of a recently completed Fiber-Broadband-Feasibility-Analysis; and to discuss the opportunity with Westcliffe and Custer County to enter into a three-way Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) to advance cooperation and collaboration on this issue.
Silver Cliff Trustees requested the Carmel Management Company perform the fiber-feasibility-analysis
based on the unique experience of the company’s principal consultant, Thomas Rivera, as the former ‘chief architect’ of the State of Colorado’s fiber optic broadband network, along 1,500 miles of CDOT highway, connecting vital communications among the state’s institutes of higher education, motorists, and public safety professionals. The model Mr. Rivera developed for the State of Colorado served as the guideline desired for this fiber broadband feasibility analysis to assess if local governments like Silver Cliff can replicate this model to deliver the same “Future Proofed Fiber” quality service to its community as CDOT has achieved.
This is not where the story begins, however. There has been considerable planning and preparation for local broadband going back over five years culminating in the broadband strategic plan that was adopted on behalf of Silver Cliff, Westcliffe and Custer County by the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments (UAACOG). The local economic development committee (EDC) deserves considerable credit for increasing awareness, a strategic plan priority, about broadband in both towns where WI-FI (wireless) internet hot spots have been installed. The Town of Silver Cliff Trustees directed the feasibility analysis independently and seek cooperation with all other local plans, including the EDC’s Cell-Tower-Broadband plan and the UAACOG broadband plan undergoing an update at this time.
A July 23, 2019, meeting was held at the Westcliffe Town Hall to update UAACOG’s broadband strategic plan. Elected leaders and citizens of Silver Cliff, Westcliffe and Custer County were represented, where Mayor Paul Wenke stated that “Westcliffe’s number one strategic plan priority is broadband…It has been said, ‘If you live in a small Town without internet you are dead.’” Commissioner Bill Canda stated, “We prefer fiber broadband over a wireless connection…with a unified local government approach to compete for federal construction dollars.” Silver Cliff Trustee, H.A. “Buck” Wenzel noted, “This is not only for Silver Cliff it is for our region…a fiber optic connection is a vital necessity for our public safety and security.” Mayor Steve Lasswell commented, “Avid supporters believe a fiber solution is needed as soon as possible. Silver Cliff is willing to spearhead joint efforts.”
And thus, the joint meeting was convened by Silver Cliff Trustees on August 1st, where the Fiber-Feasibility-Analysis was accepted concluding that it is highly feasible for Silver Cliff to pursue its own fiber-optic-broadband solution. The analysis respectfully recommended that the Town of Silver Cliff Trustees proceed with its own fiber-broadband-network plan, eligible for state and federal funding sources; and that Silver Cliff continue to seek participation and cooperation with other private and government partners in Custer County, the Town of Westcliffe, the UAACOG region counties.
Upon unanimous consent among all present, an inter-governmental agreement will be pursued to formalize cooperation among concerned citizens and local elected leaders.