Oct 5 Silver Cliff Town Meeting

October 5, 2020
by Lisa Frank
The Meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. with a request that all cell phones be silenced or turned off. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation, after which roll call was taken (with all Trustees, Mayor, staff and legal counsel present. Attendees were introduced and the meeting began.
Consent Agenda: Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously.
New Business
Sheriff’s 3rd Quarter Report – Mayor Wenzel stated this item moved to November’s meeting without explanation.
Consideration of approval of Ordinance 05-2020 amending vehicular limits and placing other restrictions Title 8 Chapter 3 – See The Sentinel’s report on September’s Silver Cliff Town Board Meeting for details. Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Consideration of approval of the liquor license renewal for the Silver Dome Saloon – Ms. Behrendt was in attendance and was given time to address the Board if she wanted, she politely declined. The Board once again applauded her remodel work on the Silver Dome and her decision to close and complete ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Compliance in all areas of the Saloon and she thanked them. Motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Consideration of approval of the liquor license renewal for 4 Kings Bar & Grill – Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Presentation of the Proposed 2021 Budget (No discussion/No decisions) – Town Clerk Ileen Squire handed out the town of Silver Cliff – 2021 Budget, draft one, to the Board and offered paper copies to any in attendance. The Sentinel reporter received a copy.
Set Budget Workshop date/s – This workshop will be the second for Silver Cliff Town Board and a final budget for 2021 will be presented at the December meeting and sent to the State of Colorado by December 15, 2020.
Consideration of approval
to enter into a purchase agreement for a Water Truck – Public Works Officer Roger Squire has negotiated with Benson Brothers (a family business) in Austin, CO, for a vehicle using the town’s existing water truck as down payment. The town would own a 2009 vehicle with 155 additional horsepower. Thetown’s current water truck spends more time in the shop than on the road. Silver Cliff uses the existing water tanker purchased from the county back in the day as a trade-in and first year payment. Then, starting in 2022, the town will have three (3) yearly payments.
Old Business
Silver Cliff Pit Update –
Attorney Dan Slater mailed a letter offering Silver Cliff’s proposal to Seifert Enterprises LLC. Seifert’s are pleased and very satisfied with the proposal. Seifert’s will be blasting over the next two weeks on 10 acres within the Silver Cliff Pit.  Kenneth Klco, of Azurite Inc., will continue to present core samples to the assayer. Viscount and Seifert Enterprises continue to be involved in discussion. Those discussions are outside the town’s purview.
Staff Reports
Building/Zoning: Roger Camper. Building permits are continuing to come in.
Sixty acres east of the Silver Cliff Town Park has been purchased and owners are proposing a subdivision that would accommodate 60 homes on ¾ of an acre each, allowing for each home to have a garage and yard. There’s nothing definite before the town at this time.
Fox Run is continuing to advance with water and sewer in and testing via air only having problems on the manholes. Black Hills Electric and Century Link phone lines are sharing a ditch, saving time and money and Haga’s are awaiting the final plat. There will be a Fox Run East and a Fox Run West, causing a slight delay in the final plat map for recording.
The park-to-park walking trail was mistakenly built on property belonging to Haga’s. They had offered to survey it off and donate it to Silver Cliff and Westcliffe, but it would make the lots non-compliant and lacking that option the Haga family and White’s Construction have agreed to pay for and move it off the Haga’s land. It will be built as efficiently as possible. Not the same trail, but a generous solution, nonetheless. Thank you families Haga and White.
Public Works Department: Roger Squire. Grading will resume in Silver Cliff Ranch when the water truck arrives.
Squire brought up a potential product called “naturals” for town roads. He will put the remaining magnesium chloride on roads around the town’s businesses to keep the dust down and suggested some Trustees make a field trip to get a better idea.
Roger noted that while aerating the park grounds they located an inoperable control valve. They are finishing up the painting on the concession stand and the pavilion.
Lastly, someone has requested placing a headstone in the middle of a grave at Silver Cliff Cemetery making it out of line with every other. The Cemetery Committee suggests that the Town say no and offers that it is called a “Headstone” for a reason.
Code Enforcement: Tim Krejci reported weed complaints are out and scofflaws notified of fines.
The Gall home is still not ready for auction and clean up seems to have stopped. Fines owed by the bank in possession of the home are four weeks in arrears while fine-notifications and interest due are still going out.
Town Clerk: Ileen Squire informed the Board of the cancellation of the recycling program by UUACOG.
Public Comment: None
Meeting Adjourned.