April 14 BoH: LTE to Tribune Requesting Retraction and Apology

by George Gramlich,
News and Notations
With the “spike” prediction by one of the Board of Health board members apparently not happening, the only drama this week was the Board’s final vote to send Jordy “Red Bug” Hedberg, Editor of the Wet Mountain Tribune a request to print a Letter to the Editor from them to Jordy asking Jordy to retract and apologize for being a bad boy. We’ll get to that tasty tidbit in a minute.
The Custer County Public Board of Health (BoH) started their April 14, 2021 meeting promptly at 1:30 p.m. in the throne room at the courthouse. All three board members were present: Chair Bill Canda and members Tom Flower and Kevin Day. Custer County Clerk handled the minutes and County Attorney Clint Smith was present. For some reason, Covid survivor Flowers still wore his face mask while nobody else did.
The county’s Public Information Officer (PIO), Reggie Smith, gave the Covid report as Public Health Director Dr. Clifford Brown was occupied. (He Zoom’d in later.) She said we have one positive that was reported from Fremont County
(as that person took the test there) and that person would be out of isolation in a day or two and then we would have NO CASES. Nobody is in the hospital. 1,627 residents have taken their first red bug vaccine and 1,072 have had both. Happy Valley has about 4,700 residents.
Next up was the Letter to the Editor (LTE) that the musketeers want to send to Hedberg, Editor of the Trib. (See LTE here.) Remember Jordy filed a criminal complaint with the Custer County Sheriff’s Office (SO) a while back alleging that Dr. Brown forged his diploma and transcript for his Masters in Public Health from an online university. And this was on his resume when he applied for the Public Health Director’s job. The SO investigated it and two weeks ago gave the BoH its report which said there was absolutely no evidence of any forgery. None. Jordy had made a big deal about this in his weekly mimeograph sheet for a long time. When the musketeers got the SO
report, they were pretty mad at Red Bug and voted to send him an LTE for him to print requesting an apology and retraction. Last week Red Bug sent Smith an email basically telling the BoH to take a hike.
Smith took the lead on the LTE and said he had written two versions, one long with all kinds of good stuff in it, and one short with the basics. Canda said he liked the short one and so did Day. Smith said the hiring of Brown had nothing to do with his masters degree and was all about his life long experience in public health at all levels. Smith even said when Brown worked for the feds he even got a top secret security clearance with that masters degree on his resume then. Red Bug then Zoomed in and mumbled something. Canda made a motion to send the short version and all three musketeers voted yes.
Brown then phoned in and said our one positive is out of isolation now and “technically” we don’t have any positives today. He said there was no “blip” from the spring break where (remember) one board member predicted that the heathen Texas hordes coming here would infect us all and it would be Jonestown all over again. But, Brown said, nothing happened. He talked about the evil virus variants floating around that the libs are scared to death of and that not one has been found in any Happy Valley tests.
Brown continued with the news that in Colorado the one-shot J&J vaccine issuance has been stopped over people getting blood clots. He noted that the demand for the jab has dropped dramatically in Happy Valley and that only two people called his office asking to be vaccinated last weekend. He said some people, after taking the first injection, refused to take the second pop. On reactions to the shots, Brown said that only one person in the county had a reaction and that might have been due to the fact that the person was also taking a ton of other meds.
Local Jimmy McMahon, standing in the doorway to the royal throne room, opined that the vaccines are scary as they were made in only one year and every other vaccine made by man took much, much longer. He said the BoH should be careful about urging people to injecting the red bug juice into their bodies as the county might be held liable if somebody gets sick or croaks. Peggi Collins pushed her Zoom button and asked about how the feds are tabulating and reporting reactions and seemed skeptical of their methods and numbers. Brown danced around that stuff.
Of course, Red Bug Hedberg Zoomed in and said that the state requires the county health directors have a Masters in Public Health and that it is super important because the State of Colorado said so. (Brown has the masters, so what’s the point?) He studiously avoided the real issue on the table of him falsely alleging that Brown committed a FELONY (forgery). Canda responded that Brown’s application and resume were sent to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and that they ok’d it. Red Bug then babbled that his contact at CDPHE doesn’t know anything about it and Canda responded, basically, who cares.
The meeting wound up with some frivolous banter about face masks and the Flowers saying the deadly red bug variants are in our neighboring counties and he knows three people in these counties who have tested positive for these mutations. (Yawns.)
Canda then adjourned the meeting.