The Biden Administration is Training Slaves


column by Chris Bryson

The Biden Administration is Training Slaves

The Democrat leadership love to say they “follow the Science” so here is some Science that will help Americans understand the irrational behaviors we see from our leadership and the Democratic base.  Here is how conditioning can elicit very specific responses from the target group, Democratic Voters in this case, against their own free will or rationality. 

Classical Conditioning:

“Classical conditioning refers to a learning procedure in which a potent stimulus is paired with a previously neutral stimulus.”

The Democratic message, for example, that police are bad, produces a classically conditioned response in Americans today.  The message of “Police are bad” is associated with negative images and one-sided reporting of minority shootings for example, paired with the message that Police will shoot you if you are a minority is fundamentally false and manipulative.  The likes of BLM will have you believe there is some disparity on how Americans of color are treated by Police.  In reality more white offenders are shot by Police, by a large margin, than all minorities combined.  The majority of black shootings are committed by black Americans not Police; false narrative only supports “Police are Bad”.  Repeatedly pushing a narrative that police are bad, and racist white supremacists, and that they may just shoot you for being of color, is a simple pairing of a negative stimulus with a neutral one.  Police are not bad, but the message is only associated with negative stimulus.  Continual exposure to that message has now produced an automatic response to the stimulus “Police”, either spoken or visualized.  A negative one, that irrationally has individuals reacting in a certain, conditioned way.  The target group will not even realize or have much control over the reaction.  The group has become trained slaves of thought.  Free will effectively neutralized in the target group.  This group will now react this way to the specified stimulus, PERIOD.  They are now properly trained and ready to do the masters bidding without free will or freedom to choose on their own and unaware entirely.  This is the primary reason conservatives have such difficulty understanding the views of the Democrat base.  The responses seem irrational because the responses are conditioned and not based on fact at this point.  The responses are rooted in the conditioning that has taken place.

As an example of how this happens, we can look at any of the Democrat supported peaceful protests, like the defund police movement, the Black Lives Matter Marxists, Antifa protestors etc…all the blind subjects in a conditioning experiment they do not know about or understand.  They have been trained to be RACISTS.  This is exactly what Critical Race Theory is doing to our students.  By repetitive exposure to Racist messaging confirming that all things are related to Racism and that America is fundamentally Racist, they have trained their constituency to react the way they are conditioned.  Even without knowing this it is visible in society as we see very irrational responses to simple law and accountability questions.  This irrational conditioned response is easily seen in Democrat responses to any questions they don’t like.  The conditioned base responds with baser instincts like hate and fear; fight or flight.  The conditioned use displacement methods to steer you away from the truth.  The response is to blame Trump for everything, or to attack anyone who disagrees as Racist, the conditioned responses of the Democratic Party.  Always true to their conditioning in every case.  This exposes how properly trained Americans exhibit predictable and nonsensical responses to a purposefully established negative stimulus.  Conditioned to be irrational through and through.

Operant Conditioning:

“Operant conditioning is a type of associative learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment.”

The Democrat machine is not only silently and purposefully conditioning voters to behave a certain way to conditioned stimulus they are also using reward systems to confirm behaviors they like so that these behaviors will be repeated.  Operant conditioning is simply a reward system.  Do something good and you get a reward.  Do something negative and you don’t.  Simply put, our current administration and its WOKE leadership are using good press, affirming messaging, government support, and even funding in many cases to confirm that the WOKE message is good and you will be rewarded for staying the course of WOKEness.  The WOKE 16%, use social media to suppress conservative thought.  The WOKE 16 use the education system.  The WOKE 16 use immigration policy and bad Police messaging to reward the WOKE and condemn the rest.  If you commit a crime, as long as your WOKE, you will be treated with minimal consequences if any.  We will confirm your WOKEness and reward you with acceptance as one of the WOKE.  The current WOKE administration is, again, training its slaves.  Since we have established a properly conditioned target stimulus, of say COPS are bad, it is far easier to have the target group accept rewards for its WOKE beliefs.  Speak out against the message and you will be cancelled or even worse simply disregarded by the WOKE.  This social negative is enough today for the WOKE to fall in line as all they value is social acceptance and social validation.  Shallow and predictable needs from a conditioned group that has had much of the free will to react counter conditioned out of the normal thought process.  Seems like a hollow way to live but the WOKE like being told they are the heroes of this country, and that history will place them on the right side of this mess (REWARD system remember).  The problem is that the reward system only works for the conditioned WOKE.  Mainstream media only “Speaks” to the WOKE and do not address conservative views at all.  The media, being trained slaves as well, only respond with the conditioned responses they are trained to give.  This can be seen when each and every mainstream media outlet spews the same talking points and narrative word for word.  A media with no free will, or free thought and seemingly oblivious to the truth that they have been manipulated.  No truth, no facts or otherwise will change this.  It’s like a dog running after a thrown toy; they just can’t help themselves and will often put themselves at risk to get that reward; social acceptance.  They don’t even realize it.  The target group is rewarded for correct thinking and behavior.  As long as your WOKE you will be accepted by the Party.  Trained to believe only their view is correct and if you dissent from that reward system you will be cancelled.  Today the only real acceptance by the WOKE is social media and social media is run by the WOKE 16.  The only message that gets though is the one they are training Americans to believe.  Allowing Racist congressional members to be blatantly Racist on the floor of congress and online sends the message that the WOKE will be protected and that your support of this agenda will be rewarded.  Properly Trained Slaves.

Stockholm Syndrome:

“Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity. Emotional bonds may be formed between captors and captives, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims.”

This can be seen with the irrational and blind faith in what its leadership tells them.  Like victims or prisoners, the free will to resist is conditioned away.  The message that their motifs are legitimate and good is inserted where common sense used to be.  The support message that the Democratic party today is trying to save us by stealing our freedom and that they are doing this for the greater good is how hostages are counter conditioned.  The messaging that the world is somehow going to implode due to climate change, and that conservatives don’t care, is simply a tool being used to get its hostages in line.  Eventually in many cases the hostages become emboldened by their captors and start to feel sympathy for the movement.  In our case the movement is to destroy freedom and solidify Democratic power for decades to come hidden by the lie of racism, COVID fear and Climate Alarmism.  The frightened hostages can be manipulated to believe anything if they are afraid that doing nothing will create a negative outcome for them and no reward.  All the while Democrat leadership is conditioning its base to believe the lies out of fear.


These conditioning techniques are used in all Democratic political messaging.  Biden spreads nothing but fear and hate.  Pick your current Democrat leader and all you will hear is fear and hate; loathing our country and no other message than we are all racist if we don’t agree, and the trained who do agree are the saviors and doing the strong thing for America.  Defund the Police, Conservatives are all White Supremacists, Cops will shoot unarmed minorities without accountability, breaking laws is not illegal, legal immigration is racist, enforcing laws is racist, not believing in Climate Change Alarmism is racist, not believing COVID will kill you all if you go outside without three masks on a Friday and not facing South is Racist, American history is bad and racist and your doomed to grow up in a Racist country who will treat you different and shoot you if you don’t agree.  The Democratic leadership in this country are the only ones pushing all this hate and fear.  The Democratic leadership in each of these circumstances is describing the situation in Democratic led States, Cities and Counties across the United States and displacing it all as if the entire country is this way.  NOPE!  These issues exist within the Democrat leadership almost exclusively.  This unchecked violence is not happening in Conservative States, Cities and Counties; or it would be all over mainstream media, and it’s not, because believe me the mainstream media would never miss a chance to bash conservatives.  Democratic leadership is simply counter conditioning its base to believe all the issues in society are caused by conservatives in the face of the truth.  That truth is that Democratic leadership today are still racists and will always support racist and divisive policies.  Those racist and divisive policies are the foundation of Democrat leadership, and those policies are enslaving good Americans who don’t actually believe all of it but are conditioned to respond predictably.   The conditioned are so entrenched in what they have been taught that they don’t even know to investigate for themselves policies that polarize and divide.  If they would simply look at a map or two, they would see all the disparity, violence, etc.…pushed by Democratic leadership is very centralized in the places led by Democrats.  Failures in democratic leadership are conditioned out of the target group and a new message that Conservatives are the racists and responsible for all the bad is pushed instead.  Irrationally, it is believed even though the view out of their own windows would tell them the truth.  This is not happening in Conservative led anywhere America.  This is happening in the face of Democratic followers and yet the trained don’t know to look and have been conditioned to believe anything they find to the contrary is a conspiracy against them.  Great conditioning really.  Truth and Lies are effectively reversed in this manor; held up as proof the conservatives are against them.  Funny that the conservatives are awake, not WOKE, and not conditioned by the leadership today and are actually fighting for ALL Americans in the face of the false conditioning of the current administration.

All garbage narratives effectively implemented via classical conditioning, operant conditioning and in certain cases an amount of Stockholm’s Syndrome.  The Democratic leadership is training its base to blindly believe all this and has them pushing the master’s message as good little slaves should.  The Democrats have trained their base to think slavery is about color and thinking slavery and racism is about color is the biggest win for the Democrat trainers since the 60’s.  The WOKE 16 have set this country back decades with this mentality.  The WOKE 16 has, without the knowledge or awareness of its base, created an entire constituency without the will to investigate anything on their own.  This base now believes blindly and without common sense in what the mainstream-social media-political conglomerate have trained them to believe.  Slavery is abolished in this country and yet thrives in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic party has ALWAYS been the party of slavery.  The Democrats stood for slavery then, voting against every measure to free Americans, and they stand for it now.  The WOKE are conditioning out of existence the free thought of Americans.  The WOKE have its base believing freedom is somehow its enemy and that our constitution is racist.   The WOKE will have us all believe this country is racist to the core in order to maintain division and control of its slaves.

The WOKE slave owners in power today are smarter than they used to be and are doing a much better job of enslaving its base than ever before in American history, without chains.   It should be the main ‘purpose in life’  job of the 84% of America that knows the truth to expose this lie.  If we do not expose these lies, we are complicit in our own destruction; and if we do nothing to stand up for American values and principles, we deserve it!  Do not let the WOKE 16 win.

Stand for America!  Stand for Freedom!

Chris can be reached at and at