Local Pastor Runs for School Board In Fremont County

by Mark Bunch/President Royal Gorge Gun Club/Chairman
Fremont County NRA
(Editor/GG: As shown below, Pastor Meagher in Cañon City has decided to run for the RE1 School Board. He has had ENOUGH of the lib policies and admin of that school and has decided to DO SOMETHING about it instead of posting meaningless missives to FoolBook. What have YOU done lately?)
I remember about a hundred years or so ago, when I was a young boy that my parents were very involved in the local PTA. I even attended a couple of those PTA meetings at McKinley Elementary School here in Lincoln Park with my parents and the entire auditorium was full, probably 250 to 300 people.
My dearly departed mother, Edith, never missed a chance to hold the administration and/or my teachers accountable for their decisions and the course of her child’s education and advancement. At the time I wasn’t sure why my mother was so adamant about holding their feet to the fire on such things as test scores and learning things that
really matter in the world, not the latest fad or politically correct trend of thinking.
However, as an adult it became very apparent to me why those things were so important to my mother and lots of other mothers and fathers in those parent teacher association conferences. How many of you reading this have encountered someone who clearly didn’t benefit from having been taught/or having learned how to count change, how to make good decisions or even how to balance a checkbook?
Sadly, our current school board has somehow decided that teaching self-actualization and self-esteem over critical thinking skills, and you know what? It is working, our local student test scores have gone right in the tank over the past decade or so and as a tax payer in Fremont RE-1 School district, I think it is high time to right this floundering ship, because our children are going to be running things for all of us someday. I for one do not want people in charge who never learned how to think and look at things critically or from an informed point of view.
For our upcoming elections in November, there is only ONE CANDIDATE running who isn’t a former educator or school system insider and that is Michael “SEAN” Meagher. I personally believe that we need someone who is outside the inner circle to hold their feet to the fire. I do not know “Sean” personally, but many of my gun club members are his supporters and members of his church, Living Stone Calvary Chapel, where he is the Senior Pastor. Pastor “Sean” believes and fights for the conservative values that made our country great. Furthermore, Pastor Sean is against the liberal commie gobbledigook such as critical race theory that our previous RE-1 school boards have seemed to
embrace. I talk to a lot of people who are extremely frustrated by what is going on in our country and in our state, and if you count yourself among the frustrated please raise your hand and use it to vote for the ONLY CONSERVATIVE Candidate running for our RE-1 School Board.
Pastor “Sean” is able and willing to roll up his sleeves and advocate for the best possible education our children can receive, not the most politically correct education that our local school district has gravitated towards over the years.
Sean Meagher is the ONLY candidate running for school board who hasn’t been an educator or administrator before, but you know what? He is a parent and has seen firsthand the short comings of a politically correct education on the development of our children and young adults who then must figure out how to navigate the unforgiving world when their mediocre educational background just didn’t teach them the critical thinking skills the world demands. Sean and his wife Autumn have been married 28+ years and raised four children who all attended Cañon City public schools. Sean and his wife, Autumn were also instrumental in founding The Bridge youth center downtown.
Sean is a lot like my mother was all those years ago and will work hard to make sure that our children receive the best education in our RE-1 school district that they can possibly receive, so please join me and Vote for “Sean” Meagher for RE-1 School board on November 2nd.