Rep Hanks on “False Sense of Security”

Ron Hanks, Representative,
Colorado House District 60

—November 15, 2021

Many Colorado election officials continue to broadcast misleading statements about the integrity of vulnerable and uncertified electronic voting equipment, and the reliability of risk limiting audits. The election equipment is hackable junk. The audits provide a false sense of security because, among other reasons, they are focused on wrong races selected by the partisan Secretary of State.
Repeating a lie until it becomes “truth” is a tactic from the Soviet Union and other decrepit regimes. It is– and ought to be – completely unacceptable in American government. Unfortunately, it is the main tool implemented by this Secretary of State and the slanted lobby of the Colorado County Clerks Association. The deceptive messaging of the CCCA is funded by your tax dollars, by the way.

Fortunately, their tactic is not working as it once did. Their tedious “gold standard” chants and useless “risk-limiting audits” assurances have spoiled over time, and now only fool the uninformed. More Americans are finding truth, even in the absence of investigative reporting by lazy, complicit Big Media.

The majority of Americans now believe there was serious fraud in our 2020 elections. Most now recognize Dominion machines were ORDERED and BUILT with internet connectivity. Americans have seen the duplicity of many elected officials, whose video testimony from 2016 revealed their understanding of the massive vulnerabilities of Dominion and other voting equipment. Today, those officials say nothing. They are complicit in the fraud.
The same unsecure equipment from 2020 was used in 2021. Unsurprisingly, we saw events in El Paso County on November 2, 2021, that renewed the distrust citizens have of wired-up, hackable election junk. Indeed, as the 2021 election results were transmitted to the Colorado Secretary of State in batches, the vote counts increased by around 20%. This happened at least two times. The El Paso County Clerk Office telephoned the Secretary of State’s office, and they decided between them to MANUALLY change the data.
Think about that: If people can call and agree to change the official numbers over the phone, it is EVERYTHING we need to know about the security of our elections. They are not secure. Our elections remain subject to fraud and the whims of officials.

And don’t forget, the public cannot audit our elections. Per Secretary Griswold, only her minions can audit Dominion and the election results they concoct.

The canvass boards certify the 2021 elections this week, and there is reason to question whether they should. So much
is not visible to those citizens that used to verifiable. In more transparent elections, those processes should be visible once again.
If the majority of Americans understand the 2020 elections were vulnerable to intrusion, and we are using the same equipment in 2021 that remains just as vulnerable as before, why certify?
If the canvassing boards cannot verify ineligible ballots were not cast, why certify? If they cannot verify ineligible votes were not counted, why certify?

If they cannot attest election records are transparent, why certify?
Some County Clerks call the Canvass Meeting the “Signing Off Meeting”. The inference is that the result is absolute and a foregone conclusion. It would be a powerful statement if the canvassing board members concluded differently.

In Liberty, And May God Bless America,

Ron Hanks, Representative,
Colorado House District 60