The Deb Adams Chronicles Pt 4

Who Is the Real Deb Adams?
The Deb Adams Chronicles Part 4

by George Gramlich,

Deb Adams, an “unaffiliated” ex-Californian, who moved here fairly recently, is running for Custer County Commissioner against Incumbent, retired Air Force Colonel, Bill Canda, who is a Custer County native. Adams’ campaign so far is a call for “unity”, love and peace for all. However, her past posts on social media and behavior while involved in various local organizations seem to pose a different picture of a candidate whose values are the opposite of most of Custer County’s citizens. She also made huge attempts at hiding her past, but luckily, failed. We will be exploring her “values and morals” over the next two months. It is an eye opener. Below are some more tid-bits of liberal love and wisdom from Adams:
Exhibit G: We’ve seen the “unaffiliated” California transplant show her patriotic colors last Independence Day where she chose to attend a “anti-July 4th” party, where she and some other local lefties railed against our country and its history (where they gobbled down profane, anti-American cookies), but remember, she wants everybody to “get along” and sing Sumerian ritual chants and wave Tibetan prayer flags together in front of the Tribune. Yes, her campaign slogans like “Respect Everyone”, “Listen and Build Consensus” and “Take Action to Work Together” seem to contradict what she really believes in as we have seen the last few weeks in the Chronicles. Adams, based on HER ACTIONS, seems to HATE America, is anti-2nd Amendment, detests the NRA, and loves using “the children” as political props in her quest to disarm America. Adams is the dream girl of our local democrats.
The latest revelation: Ms. “Unaffiliated”, who wants to “Respect Everyone” apparently has a problem with most of the citizens of Custer County as she detests and disrespects, what else, the Republican Party.

The Facebook post above shows what she thinks of Republicans and especially the ones living in Custer County. She feels that the Republicans have destroyed America and that these evil, God worshiping citizens should be boycotted and the party destroyed. These Republicans are her neighbors, “friends” and citizens she works with. This is Ms. “Transparent”. If you want the Republican Party destroyed, then you want one party rule and one way: the Progressive Way. Do you want that ideology here in Happy Valley, citizens? More taxes, more laws, regulations, and rules, retail pot stores, illegal immigrant sanctuary county, homeless encampments, abortion clinic, free needles for drug addicts, strict building codes, Dark Skies no outside lighting laws, extreme LOCAL anti-2nd Amendment laws, defund our law enforcement, and on and on. This is what Adams and the Democrat Party stand for. They want that here. And they want it here now. Adams is the left’s Trojan horse candidate wrapped in the blanket of “unaffiliated” deceit and deception.
What did you do on Independence Day? Adams went to an “anti-July 4th” party where violence was discussed as the only political solution possible nowadays and guess what was going on after this party? A “flag burning” party hosted by some local libs! Do you want this sitting at the musketeers royal table?

Exhibit H: The September 25 Liberty Rocks Candidate Forum: The once a month Liberty Rocks forums at Tony’s Pizza have been going on for more than ten years. Everybody is welcome. They have all kinds of speakers from book authors, doctors, to politicians. Ann Barthrop, Liberty Rocks host for the last four years or so, scheduled the 25th to be a “Candidate Forum” open to ALL candidates running for office this November. ALL the candidates but one showed up including Sheriff Candidate Rich Smith, Coroner candidate Brad Baltzly and the only County Commissioner up for election, Bill Canda. Stephanie Luck, candidate for HD47 also put in an appearance. Lucas Epp was also in attendance and gave a short talk. Note that they are all staunch Republicans. Guess who didn’t show: Deb Adams. Looks like “Listen and Build Consensus” and “Take Action to Work Together” doesn’t apply to a certain class of citizens. Apparently Republicans are repulsive and bad people and are to be avoided at all costs. Or may-be she doesn’t like the opening Christian prayer given by Dr. Ann Wilson. (We will be getting into religion in the next Chronicle.) Yeah, “let’s all get along”….
(One interesting local tidbit is on Adam’s Facebook campaign site. From the site, the ONLY place in Westcliffe where you can pick up her campaign signs is, of course, the “unbiased” Wet Mountain Tribune Office! From the site: “Signs are available to pick up at the Wet Mountain Tribune during office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.” It looks like “Case Closed” re where the Trib stands politically. Always read the Trib with caution and amusement.)
These posts on social media by Adams were taken down after she decided to run for county commissioner. She is trying to hide her true self from the voters. And she is touting “transparency” as one of her goals. Someone who intentionally hides her past from the public is not fit for public office. Your call this November folks. Vote to keep our way of life what it is.
And yes, there is more to come next week.