New Leadership for the Custer County Republican Central Committee

by Fred Hernandez
O n Thursday evening, February 9th, at the Rancher’s Roost in Westcliffe, the Custer County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) had its organizational meeting to elect a new leadership for the party. To some it might have been a surprise; to others no surprise at all. After the dust settled, the new team emerged: Jordan Benson – Chairman; Chuck Steigerwalt – Vice Chairman; Sandra Attebery – Secretary and Dorothy Carsten – Treasurer.

The Sentinel had an opportunity to meet with the newly minted Chairman Benson the very next day for a free-wheeling chat at which time he disclosed some of his thoughts and plans regarding the future of the Republican Party in Happy Valley.
The new Chairman firmly believes that Custer County “is the last bastion of freedom in Colorado. We are blessed to have the majority of elected officials as members of the Republican Party”. His main objective during his term will be twofold: unite and grow the party.
Using his high tech device to make his point, Jordan, as his friends call him, drew on the tablet the platforms of both parties; the Democrats and the Republicans: Under the section marked “D” he drew a list of “values”; the things they stand for as a party. On this list he had them favoring Big Government, universal healthcare, open borders, climate change, anti-religion, pro-abortion, anti Second Amendment, socialism, soft on crime and more. Under the letter “R”; a shorter list: pro Constitution, individual rights, pro Second Amendment, Free Markets, pro-life, pro-business, strong military and strong borders.
Jordan says “we have a rare opportunity at this time. People are leaving both parties and moving towards becoming independent”. He believes that those who are leaving the Democrat Party might agree with some of the things on their platform but surely there may be those who do not believe all. Therefore, the Republican Party should have a platform that will attract those Democrats who are leaving theirparty. Some of our strongest Re-publicans were once Democrats. To the Republicans he will say, “If you do not entirely believe in the platform of the Republican Party then you are not a Republican.” We have to show people why we fight hard. We are the party that believes in individual rights and freedoms. We are the party that wants every American to have the opportunity to be successful, not just special interest groups as our counterparts do. We believe that those individual rights and freedoms should not be trampled upon just because someone doesn’t like something. It is not acceptable for one to pretend that they are Republicans but deep down they espouse the platform of the other parties. What’s more is we cannot allow anyone, especially the compromised media, to divide Republicans. He wants to remind everyone, Democrats and Republicans alike, that the Republican Party is the party of Freedom and Liberty and that includes small government and adhering to the Constitution. He (Jordan) would further want to remind the party that it has to put all competition on the defensive and it starts by not bickering with each other within the party.
Chairman Benson invites everyone, members of any party, affiliates of any organization; everyone is welcome to join in all future meetings to learn why the Republican Party is the right party for America. At every meeting there will be time allotted to allow all attendees to voice their thoughts, their opinions and their concerns during an open forum public comment section. They can address themselves to officials who may be in attendance and get straight answers. As far as he is concerned the truth is all important for the overall performance of the party. That is why he refuses to allow the party to be a victim of the media. He stands for the truth, nothing else. Congratulations to Chairman Jordan Benson and his new team at the helm of the Custer County Republican Central Committee.

For the CCRC’s January Meeting minutes, see here. (Leaving page)

Note:  3/2/2023    The next CCRC meeting has been scheduled for Wedn. March 8, 5:30 p.m. in the Courthouse basement.