BOCC: Gilbert Doubles Down on BOH Lib Takeover

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

“You can’t fix stupid”. Repeat that three times and then go to a Custer County Democrat Party meeting and observe its true meaning. In the April 7, 2023 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting we again see the manifestation of this saying in all its glory with our very own Fauci petite, lib democrat party honcho Jim “Doktor Doom” Gilbert again tried to usurp our elected officials’ authority and responsibilities.
The meeting started at 9 a.m. in the three musketeers royally appointed throne room with all three muskies in their power ranger thrones: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and Tom Flower.
Nothing much to mention during the muskies’ Commissioner Items self-love segment.
Then the Veterans Service Office job description came up. (Remember our VSO officer recently –and suddenly– quit. It appears he was having trouble dealing with our local American Legion Post –or the other way around– and left in a huff leaving our local vets in a world of hurt. In last week’s BOCC meeting, the Post’s Commander suggest-ed that the muskies include cooperation with the Legion as one of the VSO’s job description requirements.) The commissioners, after some discussion, decide to have a workshop on the job description. We will keep you posted on that.
Under New Business, surprisingly, was a ‘new’ item, “Make Up of the Board of Health’s Board.” (Wasn’t that discussed last week when Doktor Doom brought it up and it was basically ignored by the muskies?) Flower speaks up and says he put it on the agenda after Doomy asked him to after last week’s meeting. (Flower seems to lean a little lefty since endorsing the extreme left wing commissioner candidate Deb Adams over republican Bill Canda in the last election. Note that Flower is a registered republican. Yes, RINO does come to mind…)
Doomy starts off with the same spiel he used last week: the Board of Health (BOH) should be filled with “health, science” and other “experts” (like Doomy) who are not political. (Note Doomy is the Chair of the Custer County Democrat Party.) He says the powers and duties are in some Colorado Statute which he has right there.
Gilbert goes on for a bit doing his whiney, blatting routine.
Canda then jumps in and gives a brief history of how the muskies (and prior commissioners) were treating the BOH and how, once they found out that they needed to tighten up a bit on how to run the BOH, they did.
Canda said no person is an expert on everything and the BOH Director is responsible for putting together a team of diverse experts to handle problems. And this is what our BOH Director, Dr. Brown did. (Brown even had Doomy on the advisory team until it became obvious Doomy had no understanding of human nature, economics or common sense.) Canda said “as an elected official I don’t want to relinquish my authority over the lives of the people.” (Amen. We want elected officials in charge. Not some myopic “expert” who is unaccountable.) Canda noted that the “experts might not be leaders.” (Think Fauci petite.) And that the decision makers must be able to “balance the risk against the benefit.” (Which “health experts” like Doomy are TOTALLY incapable of doing.)
Doktor Doom responds with “politics has no business being in the policy of health.” (Remember this is the Chair of the local democrat party saying this.) “You commissioners are political” and then more blatting and more blatting.
Canda then takes Dokter Doom to the baseline: “I don’t work for the CDPHE. We work for the people.” (Double Amen. This is the issue in a nutshell. Are we to be micro managed by the nutcase libs in Denver –or here– or by our local, elected officials?) Canda says, “I feel the decisions we made were for the best for the citizens of this county.”
Gilbert then gets all legal, control freak like, and says the “statute conflicts with what you said” about mandates. (Bwaaaaaaaaaa.)
One Bob Larsen, in the peanut gallery, then speaks up to defend the muskies and Dr. Brown. He says he is “an expert on infectious diseases” and he helped Dr. Brown put together a bunch of experts to handle the WuFlu crisis. He said the team was comprised of a variety of people and it was exceptional. Larsen finished with,
“I think public officials can make good health decisions.” (As they have some COMMON SENSE.)
Gilbert then looks inside his inner goat and says the smartest thing he has said all day, “I want to shut up.”
Day jumps in saying the “situation worked very well since I have been here” and Brown brought in a bunch of individuals for advice. Plus, Brown is “a forward thinker.” Day then goes on to defend Brown more.
Flower then gives us a classic Flower Power Hour self absorbed dribble fest simultaneously saying he sees Gilbert’s points and then says he might disagree with him. This “all about me” talk fest then goes on and on. Finally the pain ends and Doktor Doom finally does shut up.
Dr. Brown then brings up another subject; the Sheriff Office dealing with calls from emotionally distressed individuals or calls which involve emotional/psychological issues. Brown says he has arranged to have three mental health social workers assigned to our county to assist the deputies in these calls. He says we now have 24/7 county coverage for these kinds of problems.
(So the attempted take over of our Board of Health by Gilbert and his accomplices appears to have failed. Common Sense has triumphed again in Happy Valley.)