Digital Privacy Presentation & “Bootcamp”

Simple Steps To Digital Privacy
Awesome Digital Privacy Presentation & “Bootcamp”

by Fred Hernandez
It felt like a semester of college courses crammed into two hundred forty minutes of speed learning. No doubt the room of local residents had hit the mother lode of information about the digital industry that ran the gamut from Ghost phones to Faraday Bags; Phone and laptop setup and migration support to a guide for boycotting Big Tech; from de-Googling your phone and de-Apple/Windows your computer to a step-by-step guide to digital freedom. The presentation went on to digital protection and coaching for your home and family to migrating your business off the various Big Tech devices, platforms, software and services that
controls them while regain-ing ownership of your data and digital assets. The presentation also included comprehensive intelligence reports on the forces shaping an alternative economy; technology, media, politics and beyond. A most truly informative, eye-opening presentation.
Organized by Ms. Elizabeth Robinson Co-Founder of Sangre de Cristo Readiness and Resilience Network otherwise known as R2 for short, the event brought to Custer County a young and savvy entrepreneur, author, investor, tech trainer and CEO of Open Spectrum Inc. and MARK37.COM, Sean Patrick Tario, all the way from South Carolina. Sean and his company are spearheading, as quoted from their informative website, a “growing community of freedom loving doers, makers, entrepreneurs and technologists who refuse to sit idly by watching the tyranny of Big Tech, Big Pharma, or even our very own government attempt to silence, cancel and control us”. It goes on to say they are committed to “working tirelessly to simply not need (BigTech). EVER. AGAIN. MARK37 is currently being built as a marketplace for paradigm shifting products and services whose aim is to help humanity slowly break free from companies, habits and mindsets that currently enslave too much of our time, attention and money.
At this moment in history with the advent and rapid development of new technologies large numbers of the population, most especially the younger ones, are unknowingly suffering from what could ostensibly be described a Stockholm Syndrome, the psychological condition of a victim who identifies and empathizes with the goals and objectives of their “captor”. In these cases the “captor” is Big Tech and the victims are those who are “addicted” to their devices. These devices; computers, laptops, cell phones and such are the means of “slavery”. Data after all is the new oil for these behemoth companies whose main and only interest is to control users and make a lot of money by: selling you the devices, making a percentage of all sales through the app stores on the devices, cloud storage subscriptions, advertising, selling your data to the government, selling your data to third parties, hosting your website and productivity software… and many more ways. In the end, it is all about mind control. Slowly these Big Tech companies erode our freedoms until such time as they get total control of the population they are supposed to serve.
The presenter, Sean Patrick Tario, is undoubtedly an expert in his field and went through his subject matter with the aid of a well-prepared PowerPoint beamed on the large screen in Tony’s Pizza function room. Flawlessly, he tutored a group of thirty-seven attendees about a variety of complex technical subjects, translating the material so that the audience of various ages and technical skill levels could all understand the material being presented. So interesting was the whole presentation that the four hours it took seemed like half the time, and a time well spent.
So important is this subject matter and so impressive was the presentation that there are plans being worked on to bring Sean back to Custer County early in the new year so that he can reach a larger audience. We will keep you posted on developments. If and when this happens this is one learning session you do not want to miss!