Day Shows His True Colors

Day Shows His True Colors
Turns on the Party and the People
Who Elected Him

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
Who would have guessed? After three years of horrible decisions, incompetence, an openly hostile attitude towards a fellow Commissioner, and bad calls that have cost and will cost the County hundreds of thousands of dollars, Custer County Commissioner Kevin Day finally came out and revealed his true core: Day has abandoned the party and the PEOPLE who elected him and decided to change his voter registration from Republican to Unaffiliated. (This was confirmed via a phone call from the Custer County Republican Central Committee Chair, Jack Canterbury to Day.)
This was announced last week.
In Custer County, changing your party while in office, means you flat out can’t be trusted and you have betrayed the people and the party that had voted you in. Day just gave the Republican Party, all the people who voted for him, and especially the two Republican Commissioners the big “middle finger.” I guess Day’s motto now is “Self before Service.” But it probably was that before….
You could see it coming. During the BOCC meetings virtually the only ones supporting Day’s unbelievably poor decisions were the libs attending the meetings. When the local loony left starts loving you up like you’re the next Bill Clinton and saying you are doing a good job, you know something is wrong. Real wrong.
As the multiple messes created by Day continued to mount during his few years in office. (e.g., failure to manage the Finance Dept. and HR, ignoring the serious Audit issues, hiring Wilson as Finance Director and then the insane plot to put Wilson in charge of the County as the new County Manager, the Florence EMS/Wetmore failure, the $45k “severance pay” blood money gift to Wilson, the TV tower repair failure, limiting citizen comments at the BOCC because they were criticizing him, on and on….), Day just kept doubling down on failure. His constant attacks against his Republican teammate, Bill Canda, were vicious and uncalled for. (You could often see Day actually smirk if he got Canda on something. Sick.)
Day has hurt this County severely. He has alienated the Republican base (excluding the old RINO elected officials). And in one of the most unbelievable, and corrupt political moves in Custer County history, in an attempted coup by Day and other elected RINO’s, he supported making a beyond heavily flawed, extremely anger challenged person, Chair of the Custer County Republican Central Committee! Are you kidding me! Day wanted that guy instead of a life long Republican with a great track record for freedom, and ex Chair, Jack Canterbury. (Lucky, Jack won the election by a hair with a bunch of elected RINO Republicans also voting for the severely flawed Trojan horse candidate.)
With Day at the BOCC helm the last two years, NOTHING GETS DONE. Meeting after meeting things get postponed, no deadlines are established, nobody is assigned specific tasks, issues are avoided, obvious solutions are ignored and the peoples voices are muffled. (Just look at Day trying to manage the hiring of a new Finance Director and HR Director. This has been going on for FIVE months!)
It is people like Day, who have no core beliefs except deceiving the people who voted for him, are willing to mask their true positions to get elected, who are manifestly incompetent and then turn on the people who elected them: these are the kind of people who have destroyed the Republican Party
in Colorado.
So why abandon the people and the party that voted him in NOW? Did he think he might lose the Republican primary race and not be on the ballot for Commissioner in November? Was the move to Unaffiliated registration a play to run as Unaffiliated in November? If so, it means that his loyalty to the people who elected him was false and the most important thing in Day’s world is his personal gains and status rather than the principles of small and efficient government and listening to the people. (You could see this attitude in many of the meetings over the last year where Day was more interested in protecting the county’s employee status quo rather than working for the people. Also his push to dramatically expand the size of our county government, e.g., the County Manager debacle, is a classic liberal answer to failure to analyze the situation and fix it internally. It is always more, more, more for liberals rather than rather than address the core issues.)

Bottom line: Day was a career county employee and his world view is through that employee framework rather than the taxpayer’s. He doesn’t look at issues from the management side (that is, the People’s side), he looks at the issues as an employee with all the protective and regressive view points that come with that. Day is the classic scenario of having an inmate run the asylum. And regrettably, we have to pay for the results.

So Day is possibly prepping for a run for Commissioner as Unaffiliated. But now we have a track record: failure after failure after failure. His actions regarding the Finance Department are going to cost the County hundreds of thousands of dollars. Abandoned the Party and the People who have elected him. A man without loyalty and any introspection on his actions. (And the non-funny part to this turncoat drama is that Day didn’t have the “cojones” or the honesty to register where he belongs: the Democrat Party! Maybe that will be his next move.)
And one more shot because it shows exactly Day’s mindset: After the County Manager position was killed by Epp and Canda, and Wilson walked away with $45k of OUR money with the bogus “severance” penalty that Day put in (for Wilson doing five days work), Day was asked about the severance money. He literally said he would do the same thing all over again! Folks, you can’t fix stupid.
The County can not afford four more years of Traitor Day. We will be bankrupt.
(Side Note: Things are so bad at the BOCC meetings after Day took over as Chair that there is a Deputy there at all meetings. We never had that on a regular basis.)
(Folks: We really need to vet the BOCC candidates earlier and better. We need people with real business and management experience running this $9 million a year operation with 90 employees and a ton of departments. We need candidates with a TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESS. Problem Solvers not Problem Makers. We don’t want Mr. Popular or Mr. Good Ol’ Boy. This is not a “learn on the job” position. Bringing people in to run the show with no experience is a disaster. Just look at Day and Flower. Total delusional failures. And the sad part is, they think they did a good job.)