Category Archives: Uncategorized




Press Release

The second meeting of the Westcliffe Writers’ Group will take place on Saturday, December 10, from 4 p.m. to 6:30 pm in the Library’s Community Room, at 209 Main Street in Westcliffe.   Meeting leader Haley says, “the program for the second meeting will address the professional questions raised in the first meeting.  Several attendees were hoping to form smaller interest groups, to gather feedback from peers. The group will discuss times and venues to meet those needs.  Hopefully, there may even be time to discuss picking a name for the group!”  Going forward the Library’s Community Room is reserved for 4 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month in 2023.  For more information, call the library at 719-783-9138 or visit

The first local writer’s meeting exceeded all expectations, according to James Haley, Writer-in-Residence at The Pines Ranch. “We knew of three people that would probably attend, and I knew of a couple who could not come, but about twenty attended and participated actively. That just confirmed everything I had heard about literary talent in Custer County.”

Nov 30 BOCC: A New County Manager Position– More Bureaucracy?

BOCC: A New County Manager Position–
More Bureaucracy?
Paper of Record Craziness

by George Gramlich, News and Commentary
The November 30, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners meeting started promptly at 9 a.m. with all three mighty musketeers present: Chair Kevin Day, and members Tom Flower and Bill Canda. Continue reading Nov 30 BOCC: A New County Manager Position– More Bureaucracy?

A Tribute To Jackie “Muddy” Bubis

A Tribute To Jackie “Muddy” Bubis

by Laura “Lucy” Vass,
Recollection and Commentary
I recall the first day that Dan and Jackie Bubis came into the old log Sentinel building at 610 Main Street, Westcliffe, CO.
They came in to see what we were about and were very forthcoming about their willingness to get involved, including an offer to report on local affairs. It was obvious in the first ten minutes that they were pro-constitution, God-fearing, motivated and impressively involved in protecting our rights as citizens.
I remember telling Editor/Owner George (Gramlich), after they left. “Keep an eye on these two. Everything about them is so honest and straight forward. Too good to be true, maybe.” Turns out that Jax and Dan were everything they said they were and more. And as part of the Sentinel team, I valued their efforts, their insight, and the many contributions they would make over the years.

On a lighter side, Jackie, who had many nicknames, but not one assigned to her by George Gramlich, the editor/owner of the Sentinel, would pester him about it. He had nicknames for everyone else connected to the paper, and had even given one to her husband, Dan “Rebbe”. Finally, after about four years of reporting, and some fantastic fun at the gun range, George gave her a nickname based on her new AR-15 (gifted to her by George) which was muddy girl camo. It was “Muddy”. She liked it, and it stuck.

Jackie was instrumental in bringing the BOCC meetings to the forefront, reporting accurately, putting her audio recordings of the meetings up on YouTube for all to hear (at a time when there were not audios posted and no Zoom,) and pointing out articulately any possible abuse of the state’s Sunshine laws, utilizing CORA to get documents, and documenting abuses of power which led to the recall of 2017. Not showing discrimination or favoritism, she continued with the post-recall elected officials, to hold their feet to the fire.
I remember one time in particular that she addressed the BOCC at meetings and workshops concerning a proposed fees hike for some zoning items. She explained to the audience, as she was addressing the board, the difference between a fee and a tax. It was a good presentation. I still have a copy of her open letter follow up. With new administration in P&Z over the last year hiking “fees” with the
approval of the BOCC, we would all do well to review. (See below.)
Jackie “Muddy” Bubis will be missed. As George says, “She was really the bedrock of reporting for the Sentinel for years,” but more, she contributed meaningful dialogue regarding the preservation of our rights as citizens, wherever she went and what ever she did. And Dan “Rebbe” Bubis, (Jackie’s bedrock) is still with us as our IT guy, faithful to a fault, and much appreciated.

An Open Letter to the
Tax or Fee?

May 17, 2019
To: Chairman Flower, Commissioner Canda and Commissioner Printz  with an aside to Attorney Smith

On April 17th, I brought to the Board a document which gave great credence to my claim that the recent increase in “fees” in the Planning and Zoning Office was not a fee but was, in fact, a tax. If it is a tax, then this increase must go before a vote of the people of Custer County.
In two separate discussions of this fee – one in a workshop and one in the BOCC meeting in which it was approved, I pointedly asked the reason for this increase. The general consensus was that it was not required to run the Planning and Zoning office, which now brings in more in revenue than its expenses, and that the purpose would be to increase the general revenue of the county.
The document I provided you was from a Colorado Supreme Court case and stated it this way:
“So, to determine whether a government has enacted a tax, or levied another type of charge, we must determine if the government is exercising its legislative taxation power or its regulatory police power. To make this determination, we examine the government’s primary purpose for enacting the charge. Barber, 196 P.3d at 248–49. If the primary purpose is to raise revenue for general governmental use, it is a tax. Bloom, 784 P.2d at 308; Zelinger, 724 P.2d at 1358. Conversely, if a charge is imposed as part of a comprehensive regulatory scheme, and if the primary purpose of the charge is to defray the reasonable direct and indirect costs of providing a service or regulating an activity under that scheme, then the charge is not raising revenue for the general expenses of government, and therefore, not a tax.”

When I brought up the subject at the April meeting, the very quick answer from both the Chairman and the Attorney was: it wasn’t a tax. End of story. No promise to look into it. No willingness to
consider wise counsel.
Gentlemen, I don’t believe that any of your constituents expect you to be perfect commissioners. We concede that our representatives, as flawed human beings, can make honest mistakes. But what we do expect is that, when mistakes are made and pointed out, you will change your mind, change your decision. At the very least you will make honest, diligent inquiry into the matter to make sure your decision was lawful and constitutional.
After being dismissed at the meeting, I did that diligent inquiry. I got in touch with the Tabor Foundation and the Independence Institute. Both confirmed that, if the funds were not going directly to support the office that was charging the fees but going to the general welfare of the county, this was, in fact, a tax.
But my due diligence means nothing if honest inquiry at the BOCC meetings is flippantly dismissed, and honor and integrity is not cherished.
“Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.
President James Garfield

Jackie Bubis

Obituary: Jaxine “Jackie” “Jax” Bubis


Jaxine “Jackie” “Jax” Bubis


Dan & Jax at Custer County Nat’l Night Out 2019

Jaxine Marie Bubis went to be with her Lord and Savior November 19, 2022, after a short and unexpected battle with cancer. She passed peacefully at home with her husband, Dan Bubis, by her side.
Born to Elaine Zipprodt Arnold, in Los Angeles, CA, on December 30, 1955, and later adopted by her stepfather, Army Captain Campbell, Jackie grew up mainly in Colorado Springs, graduating from Roy J. Wasson High School. Continue reading Obituary: Jaxine “Jackie” “Jax” Bubis

Custer County Corrects Tribune (again) on Tax Lien Sale Facts

Custer County Issues Statement Correcting
The Tribune on Tax Lien Sale

Custer County Public Information Office Custer County Building 205 South 6th Street
P.O. Box 150
Westcliffe, CO 81252

Release Date: Immediately

On Thursday, Nov. 24, 2022 The Wet Mountain Tribune is reporting that the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel botched Custer County’s Tax Lien Sale. Some of the information stated in the article is incorrect.

The County Treasurer sent a multiple page document to the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel for the Tax Lien Sale Notice. The Sentinel received this request and input into newspaper format. The proof was returned to the Treasurer’s office for approval. In the proofing process, the last page of the notice was missed.

It is required that the posting for the sale must be posted for 3 consecutive weeks. When there is an error like this the options are to cancel all tax lien sales and reschedule the sale to be able to comply with the 3 week posting rule OR continue the sale of the properties that were posted correctly (meeting the 3 week posting requirement) and post the 11 properties (not 10 properties as stated in the Wet Mountain Tribune article) that were not posted at a different time. The Treasurer decided that it would be best for the county to do the latter. At this time, taxes have been collected from 5 out of the 11 properties with delinquent taxes. If the Treasurer is unable to collect from the remaining 6 liens ($4,091.32 to date), then the collection of taxes is simply postponed. There is no loss in tax revenue to Custer County

To ensure that the people traveling to attend the sale were not inconvenienced and the county is able to collect delinquent taxes in a timely manner, the County Treasurer decided to proceed Since the 11 tax liens were not included in the legal notice, the attendees of the sale may not have known about the property or had the opportunity to bid because the tax bill was satisfied.

After doing a quick review of the tax lien sale notices from years in the past, the signature and seal were not included in those postings. (Reference: Wet Mountain Tribune Nov. 4, 2021, Nov 12, 2021 & Oct. 24, 2019 postings).

There is NO loss of county revenue. Any delinquent taxes that were not satisfied the day of the sale will be satisfied at the next sale. Since the majority of liens are satisfied prior to a sale, any potential additional revenue is a moot point.









BOCC: The Quest For a Bigger Local Bureaucracy Never Stops

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary

C uster County’s mighty Three Musketeers (i.e., our County Commissioners) opened their Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) November 11, 2022, meeting a few minutes after 9 a.m. All three muskies were in their regally appointed throne room: Chair Kevin Day and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom (“TT”) Flower.
Day and Canda gave brief Commissioner Comments while Traitor Tom spent a LONG time on his most recent excursions into the local political world of mindless government meetings. Continue reading BOCC: The Quest For a Bigger Local Bureaucracy Never Stops

Silver Cliff’s Proposed Town Square Custer County’s Economic Future

by Fred Hernandez
Rocky and uneven could arguably be the best description for the one hundred and forty three year history of the town of Silver Cliff. From its inception as a silver mining camp, which boomed and grew to have several thousand residents to the moment it busted when the silver ran out. From the time it was in the running to be the capital of the State of Colorado and lost to the current capital; always subjected to the ebb and flow of political ups and downs through the years, Silver Cliff remains what could be the silver lining for Custer County. Continue reading Silver Cliff’s Proposed Town Square Custer County’s Economic Future

Nov. 1 & 2 BOCC Meetings

BOCC Double Header: New Bldg. Permit Fees, County Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan,   DA’s Budget Request

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The November 1, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting: the soirée started at 9 a.m. in the three musketeers richly appointed throne room in the county courthouse with all three muskies attending: Chair Kevin Day, and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom (“TT”) Flower.
In Staff Reports, IT guru Vernon Roth was first up. He said he has been busy with a lot of security work on the county’s systems.
Dorothy Carsten, the Planning & Zoning Director was next. She
announced that she had hired Delenna Crawford as the new zoning clerk. Dorothy gives last month’s statistics: 13 septic inspections, 15 compliance inspections, five violation reviews, 11 new septic permits and 22 new dwelling permits. Continue reading Nov. 1 & 2 BOCC Meetings

November 2, 3 BOCC

BOCC Double Header: New Bldg. Permit Fees, County Fire Hazard Mitigation Plan,   DA’s Budget Request

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The November 1, 2022 Custer County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting: the soirée started at 9 a.m. in the three musketeers richly appointed throne room in the county courthouse with all three muskies attending: Chair Kevin Day, and members Bill Canda and “Traitor” Tom (“TT”) Flower.
In Staff Reports, IT guru Vernon Roth was first up. He said he has been busy with a lot of security work on the county’s systems.
Dorothy Carsten, the Planning & Zoning Director was next. She
announced that she had hired Delenna Crawford as the new zoning clerk. Dorothy gives last month’s statistics: 13 septic inspections, 15 compliance inspections, five violation reviews, 11 new
septic permits and 22 new dwelling permits. Continue reading November 2, 3 BOCC

Who is the Real Deb Adams: A Recap

by George Gramlich,
We’ve been exposing the extreme, and we mean EXTREME, progressive, left wing positions of Custer County Commissioner candidate Deb Adams “unaffiliated” over the last eight weeks and as the election period is over next week we figured we should run an article summarizing some of the incredible political, social and moral views and beliefs of the Trojan horse candidate from Commiefornia and how she is completely unfit to be a county commissioner.
1. Adams thinks republicans are “fascists”: Remember Biden’s “most divisive speech” in American Presidential history earlier this year where Pedo Biden called republicans “fascists” and threats to democracy. Adams put a Foolbook post up about the speech and her comment on it was “Good speech”. The majority of voters in Happy Valley are republicans. In Adams Clown World, we are all fascists. Adams deleted the post after she declared her candidacy for commissioner. This is the level of her “transparency”.
2. Adams loves to “volunteer” and help non-profits and charities: Well, maybe not. She volunteered to help the Dark Skies folks back in 2020 for no money, but when the event they were working on was canceled, Adams demanded that she be paid $2,315 for all of her “hard work”. The Dark Skies folks told her to take a hike. Typical lib: it’s all about the money.
3. Adams embraces socialism like all good progressives do: Adams posted a anti-capitalism article by some nutcase on Foolbook a few years ago and commented “And there you have it..”. The article knocks capitalism and promotes crazy libtard socialism values, which, apparently sits well with the well-to-do Adams. Socialism is all about being ruled and controlled by an “elite” bunch of narcissistic know-it-all nut jobs which Adams seems to embrace. Yeah, that is going to work well with the us peasants here. Happy Valley to Adams: This ain’t Commiefornia.
4. Adams hates the 2nd Amendment and loves the Red Flag law: Adams posted a picture of a sign in front of some left wing “church” that said, “When Will They Love Their Kids More than Their Guns”. She commented, “Question of the Day! Great read..”. She also posted a cartoon on social media blaming the NRA for the mass casualty events that have happened over the last few years (mostly performed by leftists). Do you want Commiefornia gun laws here in Happy Valley? It can happen now that the red diaper babies in Denver now allow local government entities make their own gun laws. Several lib cities and counties in northern Colorado have already done so. DO YOU WANT THAT HERE? It only takes two bad commissioners to make that happen…..
5. Patriotism and Love of Country? What did you do after this year’s Independence Day Parade? Do you know what Adams did? She went to an “anti July 4th party” at one of her lib friend’s house here in the valley! Do you know what the featured food was there? Red, white and blue cookies in the shape of a hand giving the “finger” to something, that is, our country. They also discussed at the party that actual violence may be necessary to change the country as politics ain’t doing it for them. VIOLENCE! Like Antifa/Black
Panther type stuff. This party was described in the article by the huge internet news organization, Business Insider, that incredibly had a reporter there. The article was read by millions which didn’t make Custer County look so good. Adams is a CLASSIC, lib who hates this country and literally wants to destroy it. Do you want to see her at the commissioners’ table eating those hate cookies during a BOCC meeting? I wonder if she would even continue to say the Pledge of Allegiance at the meetings. How come she doesn’t bring some of the cookies to her campaign events? Transparency? Yeah…..
6. Adams is “unaffiliated”? Adams told an acquaintance that she was a lifelong democrat and that the only way to get elected here in red neck land is to run “unaffiliated”. She also proudly posted a meme on social media that read, “Voting is just like Driving, To Go Backward Choose ‘R’, to Go Forward Choose ‘D’”. This “unaffiliated” stance is flat out lying and deception by the “transparent” Adams. Every dem in Happy Valley is endorsing her plus a couple of RINO’s. The woman has a truth problem, folks. Again, again and again she tries to hide her true beliefs from us peasants. Do you want a person who is a habitual liar in office ruling us?
7. Adams hates republicans: In multiple social media posts (and other correspondence which we have but won’t print), Adams displays a special hatred for the republican party and all who vote republican. One of her favorite posts was a meme of an elephant spearing the image of the USA with its tusk. The caption was, “Boycott the Republican Party”. Very inclusive, Adams. Yeah, let’s all get along. Of course, these posts were deleted when she decided to run for office.
8. Adams on religion: Looks like Adams is not a big fan of our Judaic/Christian religions and values as she seems to want to worship the “earth” instead of God. Her social media post of a big tree and roots had the caption, “Nature Is My Religion And The Earth Is My Church”. Apparently no Bible for Adams. All she needs for moral reference is talking to a couple of Ponderosa trees for advice. Biblical based values are the core of our country. Adams
has none. So on what moral
and ethical basis will she make decisions on if she is a county commissioner? I don’t think we want to find out.
9. Adams Hates Trump with a passion that is scary: Adams has made multiple social media posts knocking Trump and her private speech is filled with anti republican and severe anti Trump rhetoric. (Note that she loves posting stories from CNN and MSNBC.) She commented on one post that Trump was, “A danger to the world”. Adams also had a post on Foolbook about a story titled, “How Did Hitler Rise to Power” and commented about it by saying, “Absolutely frightening how history is repeating itself here in America…” directly attacking Trump and his followers as the new “nazis”. Nice. Seems a fair number of libs in this county, in addition to Adams, like calling us non libs “nazis”. This folks, is pathological hate and it is sick stuff. We don’t need that in the courthouse.
Adams also failed to show up multiple times at the monthly Liberty Rocks community event at Tony’s Pizza where ALL people running for office were invited. In fact, she was the ONLY one not to show up. Guess she doesn’t want to be in the same room that might have non liberals there.
10. Potty Mouth Adams: Adams has a foul mouth that would shame a drunken sailor in Shanghai. Her media posts, that are available to anybody (including “the children”) are filled with the “f’ word– “f” this, “f” that. On and on. She especially loves the “f” word when talking about Trump. Her correspondence and private conversations are also extremely profanity laced. Remember, she is the head of the county’s Tourism Bureau! Do you want this kind of speech coming out of that office or the commissioner’s room? No lady talks like that. It is a disgrace.
11. Adams, a classic progressive, looks down at us “lowly”, ignorant peasants: Last week we featured a social media post by Adams titled, “The Dunning-Kruger Effect May Explain Trump’s Support”. This ignorant peasant had to look that up:
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of a task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is when a person does not have skills or ability in a specific area but sees themselves as fully equipped to give opinions or carry out tasks in that field, even though objective measures or people around them may disagree.
What Adams is saying here is that anybody who voted for Trump or just supports him, is “low ability” and we “overestimate” our “ability or knowledge”. Adams is basically saying the majority of voters in this county are dumber than rocks. (The other libs in the Valley believe this also. Adams is NOT alone here.) But, she wants our vote. This is classic liberalism where the libs, intellectual and moral giants that they are, need to RULE US PEASANTS as we are totally incapable of any rational thought or decision making ability. Adams wants to be the ruler of the Happy Valley Gulag where us peasants kowtow to progressive nutcase ideas (no gasoline cars/trucks, no outside lighting, FULL building codes, cow farts are destroying the
environment, mutilating our children, re: sex changes, is fine, wood stoves have got to go, more taxes for more giveaways and vote buying, you get the drift…) as we freeze to death in our houses.
We know we have been hard on Adams. The reason is she is flat out lying about her views and positions, hiding behind the
“unaffiliated” moniker and actually deleting/cleaning any
past record of her true pro-gressive views. If she had the character and honesty to run as a democrat or even if she had run “unaffiliated” but told us where she was politically, we could have respected that. But she is HIDING who she really is. Actually, she TRIED to hide who she really is but WE FOUND OUT and let the citizens of this free county find out.

Folks, vote for someone who is upfront and doesn’t try to hide his platform and truly understands our county: Vote for Canda.