Category Archives: Uncategorized

Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach for Fiber-Broadband

Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach
for Fiber-Broadband

“Historic Inter-Governmental Cooperation
underway among all local entities…”

by Mark Carmel,
Carmel Management Company

Many community leaders and concerned citizens are now calling for historic cooperation and collaboration as a result of a “Special Meeting” convened on August 1, 2019. The Town of Silver Cliff Board of Trustees welcomed Custer County Commissioners Bill Canda, Tom Flower and Jay Printz, Westcliffe Mayor Paul
Wenke along with Westcliffe Trustee representatives, and a full house of concerned citizens at Town Hall. Continue reading Silver Cliff Spearheads Unified Approach for Fiber-Broadband

West Custer County Hospital District responds to articles on No Ambulence

Dear Editor,

In response to the July 19 article titled, “No response to Wetmore Emergency,” I would like to provide more facts in this particular call.

It is correct that Custer County EMS (CCEMS) was called to provide service in Wetmore. (an area that has never been a primary call area for CCEMS)

It is correct that a second  CCEMS crew was called. The reason a second crew is called is to ensure that the primary service area (the West Custer County Hospital District) has a crew to respond to its service area.

It is correct that a  second CCEMS crew was not available.

It is correct that Custer County dispatch called AMR out of Canon City/Pueblo respond to this call.

It is correct that like CCEMS, AMR also did not have the crew availability to provide service outside their primary call service area.

It is not correct that “all the while the ambulance crew up the mountain went back to sleep.”

AMR has a contract with the city of Pueblo and the city of Canon City to provide services to the community, much like Custer County EMS has with the residents of the West Custer County Hospital District. At a time we should be collaborating and working together to solve this challenge of providing care to an area in need, I would request that in the future all of the facts are obtained before an article is published.

As always I encourage questions or comments. Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Drew, RN, BSN, MSN
Executive Director
West Custer County Hospital District

Polis Recall IS ON!!!

by George Gramlich,
News and Commentary
The Colorado Secretary of State gave the nod to the Recall Polis Petition wording submitted to it recently by the Dismiss Polis Committee group (see last Monday, July 8th. 23,000 petitions were printed on Tuesday and were distributed around the state Wednesday. If the petition drive is successful, there will be a recall election in the fall.
The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel is the Recall Polis petition signing center for Custer County. Continue reading Polis Recall IS ON!!!

Polis Recallers Have Solution for Unity, At Long Last

Resist Polis PAC votes to distribute a third-party
recall petition

Press Release
—June 26, 2019
Resist Polis PAC

A  newly drafted recall petition, submitted this week by the Dismiss Polis Issue Committee to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, appears to be the solution concerned Coloradans wanting to recall Governor Jared Polis have sought for months.
Dismiss Polis is not affiliated with any previous recall efforts and will act as a neutral, third-party organization, being the solution to the necessity of only one petition circulating to recall the Governor.
Leadership from the Resist Polis PAC team has voted to circulate the petition of Dismiss Polis this summer, as it fits with our consistent message of unity across the state.
Polis recall petitions will be printed by Dismiss Polis and can be distributed to volunteer signature gatherers across Colorado by any recall organization wishing to assist in the recall efforts. Completed, notarized petition packets would then be returned to Dismiss Polis before all signatures are turned into the Secretary of State.
Our team at Resist Polis PAC encourages any other recall groups to make the right decision for Colorado and circulate the Dismiss Polis petition. Filing a second petition will cause division in a time when Coloradans need unity more than ever.

June Silver Cliff Town Meeting

—June 3, 2019
by Lisa Frank
The meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. The entire Board was present. The Consent Agenda passed unanimously and the Trustees moved on to the agenda.
Old Business:
A. Senior Center Update – Nothing to report.
B. Viscount Update – Nothing to report and Mayor Pro Tem Wenzel suggested that Roger Camper make a phone call and inquire as to why they are not communicating as often. Continue reading June Silver Cliff Town Meeting

Combat Handgun Training Pt 3

by Mark Bunch,
Royal Gorge Gun Club, Lincoln Park Pawn
Part 3
Combat Handgun
Training Techniques
Now that you have your chosen gun, ammo and the basics of handgun marksmanship all set, you are ready to concentrate on advanced combat handgun tactics. The best way to start is shooting at paper silhouette targets so you can see where you are hitting vs where you are aiming. You can of course get your pistol sighted in off of a bench rest and sandbag, but once you have a zeroed handgun, if all you do is shoot it off of the bench you will actually hurt your ability to defend yourself with your combat handgun. You need to learn to be proficient in all sorts of different situations, and I have yet to see a bench rest anywhere in the Walmart parking lot, or your doctor’s office, at the movie theater or your job, or the post office, or driving down a deserted road late at night. You will need to practice all of these techniques frequently to develop muscle memory and to also develop your combat mental state of mind. Continue reading Combat Handgun Training Pt 3

The Problem with HB 19-1263

by Sheriff Shannon K. Byerly

HB19-1263 (Offense Level For Controlled Substance Possession) is irresponsible legislation being pushed by the Colorado Assembly as an attempt to reduce inmate populations in the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC) by reducing the seriousness of illegal drug possession. The assembly believes they can shift fiscal responsibility to local jurisdictions, AKA county jails, by making illegal possession of scheduled drugs a misdemeanor crime instead of a felony. It is extremely concerning when we begin to dissect what this really means for society and local communities. Continue reading The Problem with HB 19-1263

Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together

Life Chain
Custer County Pro-Lifers
Stand Together, Pray Together

Locals gather near the school                                                          by Fred Hernandez










Life Chain, part of a worldwide movement, a Pro-Life social organization started in 1987, and one of the largest in America, held its public awareness walk last Sunday. This is a regular annual event in Custer County and held on both sides of Main Street in Westcliffe at the west end parking area of the school. From two in the afternoon till three thirty, Pro-Life Christians from different denominations gathered to bring awareness to the rest of the county about the intrinsic evils of abortion. There is always a right and a wrong in every issue and abortion is always wrong because it destroys a human life. Continue reading Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together