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Bootleggers Branding Party

photo by G Gramlich

Bootleggers owners Ed and Deanna Stefanich finally had their official Grand Opening on Saturday, November
7th, and it was some party!

Labeled as a “branding
party”, many local ranchers showed up with their
branding irons. Outside, a big cast iron kettle with hot
coals kept the irons red hot and almost anything that
was made of wood was a target, including the ceiling
beams! Drop by and see the brands and try their
excellent food and drink. Bootleggers Mercantile,
Deli & Speakeasy, 309 Main Street, Westcliffe. 719

October 21st Board of Health Meeting: Sanitation Report on Illegal Dumping

Custer County
—October 21, 2020

by George Gramlich
The meeting was called to order followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance and roll call.
There is no secretary to take minutes, There was a call for the BoH volunteer. Peggi Collins volunteered. Tom Flower said he recommended the BoH post that position.
The next BoH meeting is scheduled for November 5th at 1 p.m.
(There were two reports given. Dr. Clifford Brown, Public Health Director, and Jackie Hobby, County Sanitarian. Since the meeting centered on Dr. Brown’s presentation and advisory presentations,
we have placed Jackie’s report first in the article. She presented in the middle of the meeting.)

Continue reading October 21st Board of Health Meeting: Sanitation Report on Illegal Dumping

Willis Day Service Oct 15

Willis Day went to be with his Lord and Savior on October 11, 2020, at the age of 94.
Willis was born on September 28th, 1926, in Enid, OK. He was the first-born son of William and Flora Day.
Willis married Cleo (McColm) Day on October 11, 1947. Together they raised their seven children; Cathleen (George) Goodwin, Mitchell Day, Diane (John) Mahlberg, Jennifer (Jerry) Burtard, Colleen (Gary) Carroll, Kevin (Gayla) Day, and Judy Sawyer. Continue reading Willis Day Service Oct 15

Service Friday for Ryan Schepmann

Ryan Jacob Schepmann, 23, of Westcliffe, Colorado died of natural causes on September 18, 2020, at Parkview Medical Center, Pueblo, Colorado. He was born March 31, 1997, in Pratt, Kansas.
Survivors include his parents, Warren and Lori (Schlesener) Schepmann and sisters, Sara Schepmann and Katie Schepmann all of Westcliffe, Colorado.
He is also survived by his grandmother JoAnn Schepmann, Pratt, Kansas: aunts, Carla (Calvin) Boyd, Medicine Lodge, KS, and Brenda (Ron) Piester, Coats, KS; uncles, Larry (Barbara) Schlesener, Hope, KS, and Steve (Dori) Schlesener, Scottsdale, AZ. Also surviving are many cousins and friends.
He was preceded in death by his grandfather Nathan F. Schepmann, Pratt, KS, and grandparents, Orval and Geraldine Schlesener of Hope, Kansas.
Coming from Preston, Kansas, Ryan was baptized into Christ at St. Paul Lutheran Church, (Natrona) Preston, Kansas on April 20, 1997. He and his family moved to Westcliffe, CO in June of 2010. He confessed his faith in the rite of confirmation at Hope Lutheran Church, Westcliffe, CO on April 17, 2011. He graduated from Custer County High School on May 29, 2016.
Ryan loved his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and would want the world to know that Jesus is your Savior too.
Services are planned for 3 p.m. MST on Friday, September 25, 2020, at Valley Bible Fellowship in Westcliffe, Colorado. Burial will follow at Hope Lutheran Cemetery, rural Westcliffe. A meal will be served following at Valley Bible Fellowship.

A memorial service will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, (Natrona) Preston, Kansas on Saturday, October 10, 2020
at 10 a.m.

Memorials to: Lutheran Hour Ministries may be left at Valley Bible Fellowship or mailed: C/O St. Paul Lutheran Church, 40291 NE 40th Ave. Preston, KS 67583. Condolences may be left at: Montgomery-

Lucas Epp for District 3

Letter to the Editor of the Sentinel:

Lucas Epp, not just a farm boy from small town Nebraska and not a man with political aspirations, but a man with a willingness and desire to serve within his community. I reside in District 3 of Custer County and call this home. My wife and I have started building a business and are raising a family here in this peaceful county. Over the time we have lived here I have often thought about what I could do within the community or county to serve in my own way and make a positive contribution. Friends of mine and I have discussed many times since my time as a mayor about whether I would go back into public office again. Earlier this year they suggested a county commissioner seat and I really began to think more about public office being a place I could realistically serve in again. I had been asked by several people to run for a county commissioner seat halfway through my term as mayor back in Nebraska. I turned them down since I wanted to finish my term as mayor and then I would think about it afterwards, but my job took a different path regionally after the term. I thoroughly enjoyed my service to the community as a Mayor and a supervisor for the towns law enforcement for those four years.

The things I stand for and believe in most are God, family, and country. I stand for the Constitution and the freedoms [it] grants us as citizens. I stand with law enforcement and the duties they perform to keep peace and sanctity among the members of the community. I believe in free speech and the ability to gather peacefully to worship or to enjoy friendships. I am thankful for our veterans and those who serve in our military to defend this great nation. I support the second amendment and the citizens right to defend themselves, especially against tyrannical rule of government. I am a profile advocate; I value life inside the womb the same as outside the womb. I believe in fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget whether personal, business, or governmental. I support small businesses for I believe they are the backbone of great economy and stability across the whole country. I believe that our churches and individuals are where welfare comes from, not the government. I believe in small government that is kept in check by its citizens. I believe in open and honest communication that comes more frequently from governmental positions to its citizens. I support the citizen and stand behind the citizen against any unconstitutional governmental oversight.

I am Lucas Epp and I am running as a Write In Candidate for Custer County Commissioner District 3. Please write my name on the line you will find in the ballot and support me with your vote. I want to serve the citizens of this county and I will always do my best to have the good of the citizenry at heart.

Lucas Epp

Custer County

Palace Drug Opens in Silver Cliff – After 30 Year Absence, Custer Has a Drug Store

by Fred Hernandez
Multiple economic development studies have been made in Custer County which included wish lists from residents regarding what, if any, businesses they would like to see open up in the county. High up on the list, if not at the very top, the residents pined for a pharmacy. The last drug store in the county ceased operations
approximately thirty long years ago. Since then, residents have had to trek down the mountain to pick up their medications in all kinds of weather, a feat which becomes quite challenging in the dead of the winter months. Well, not anymore!

Continue reading Palace Drug Opens in Silver Cliff – After 30 Year Absence, Custer Has a Drug Store

Lynn Attebery for Commissioner District 2

Lynn Attebery



by Fred Hernandez
Like a lightning bolt out of the blue a surprise candidate for commissioner just stepped up unexpectedly. This one has much experience on the job and is ready to move in at a moment’s notice. Lynn Attebery, who was commissioner for two terms, from 2006-2014 (then term limited), had not originally planned to get back into the political fray. However, when one of the incumbent commissioners decided to throw in the towel, Lynn saw the opening and decided, on the spot, to re-enter the arena. With only days to go before the deadline, he quickly filed his application as a write-in candidate for the November elections.
Lynn was gracious enough to give the Sentinel staff some time for an interview. Continue reading Lynn Attebery for Commissioner District 2

Vandalized:Tenderfoot Mountain Landmark – Salida

One of our subscribers, Jennifer Adamson, wrote to us a few weeks ago, saying that she went to visit the Tenderfoot Mountain Landmark overlooking Salida for her birthday and found it had been vandalized since her last trip there two years ago.
Below are photos. Jennifer left a message with Salida’s Mayor asking if there was a cleanup plan. She got no response.

Photos courtesy of Jennifer Adamson. Many were too foul to print.

Ballot Measure A: It Really is a Slush Fund

Westcliffe Voters:
VOTE NO on Ballot Measure A!
Mayor Wenke Says the 50% Sales Tax Hike is “For the Roads”
It Really is a Slush Fund
and of Course, “For the Children”

by George Gramlich,
Okay, Mayor Paul Wenke didn’t say “for the children”, but he just might have anyway. “For the roads” is the same thing. The question is again, to what lengths will politicians stoop to taking more of our money for their grandiose, wasteful, poorly planned spend-ing schemes. What we have going on here in the tiny, little town of Westcliffe, is what is happening in our state and in our country: tax and spend liberalism. Continue reading Ballot Measure A: It Really is a Slush Fund

Lauren Boebert, Gun Rights Advocate, Candidate for 3rd Congressional District

by George Gramlich
Could be a fun presentation Monday, February 17, 5:30 p.m. at the Saddle Club when Lauren Boebert, the pistol packing owner of the famous gun friendly diner, Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado, comes to Westcliffe. She is launching a primary challenge against our existing Third Congressional District Congressman, Scott Tipton. She is a long time registered Republican and has been a national figure in the Second Amendment rights fight. Continue reading Lauren Boebert, Gun Rights Advocate, Candidate for 3rd Congressional District