Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Problem with HB 19-1263

by Sheriff Shannon K. Byerly

HB19-1263 (Offense Level For Controlled Substance Possession) is irresponsible legislation being pushed by the Colorado Assembly as an attempt to reduce inmate populations in the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC) by reducing the seriousness of illegal drug possession. The assembly believes they can shift fiscal responsibility to local jurisdictions, AKA county jails, by making illegal possession of scheduled drugs a misdemeanor crime instead of a felony. It is extremely concerning when we begin to dissect what this really means for society and local communities. Continue reading The Problem with HB 19-1263

Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together

Life Chain
Custer County Pro-Lifers
Stand Together, Pray Together

Locals gather near the school                                                          by Fred Hernandez










Life Chain, part of a worldwide movement, a Pro-Life social organization started in 1987, and one of the largest in America, held its public awareness walk last Sunday. This is a regular annual event in Custer County and held on both sides of Main Street in Westcliffe at the west end parking area of the school. From two in the afternoon till three thirty, Pro-Life Christians from different denominations gathered to bring awareness to the rest of the county about the intrinsic evils of abortion. There is always a right and a wrong in every issue and abortion is always wrong because it destroys a human life. Continue reading Life Chain Custer County Pro-Lifers Stand Together, Pray Together

Colorado Dems Pass Red Flag/Gun Confiscation Law

by George Gramlich,
The democrat controlled Colorado House gave final okay to the unconstitutional Red Flag Emergency Risk Protection Order (ERPO)/Gun Confiscation bill, HB19-1177, that the democrat controlled Senate passed recently. As of today (4/3/19) it awaits democrat Governor Polis’s signature. He has indicated he will sign it. It will take effect January 1, 2020. Continue reading Colorado Dems Pass Red Flag/Gun Confiscation Law

Colorado National Popular Vote Referendum Petition Sign to Protect Our Votes


“Organizers say they’ve validated more than 150,000 signatures — far above nearly 125,000 needed to make the 2020 ballot. And they’re still gathering more supporters, hoping to get 200,000 signers by the August 1st deadline,” notes Colorado
If you are carrying a petition, PLEASE turn them in ASAP , notarized, at Sentinel at 601 Main Street, Westcliffe.

by George Gramlich, Editor
A new patriot organization, ColoradansVote.Org, has begun gathering petition signatures to place the Colorado National Popular Vote (NPV) law passed recently by the democrat-controlled Colorado House and Senate and signed by the extreme left-wing Governor Polis, on the ballot this fall SO IT CAN BE REPEALED.
This rabidly unconstitutional law forces our Colorado Presidential electoral votes to go to the candidate who wins the most votes nationwide and not necessarily WHO WE VOTED FOR. It basically forces us to side with the heavily populated east and west coast ultra-liberal states. Continue reading Colorado National Popular Vote Referendum Petition Sign to Protect Our Votes

Colorado Under Fire

To READ the articlesclick here.

For more information and links to get involved or contact Representatives, keep scrolling.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners makes it easy to email the Representatives all at once on their site and will update it as the bill goes to the Senate.


Continue reading Colorado Under Fire

Sheepdog Barks About Justice Roberts

I know that President George W. Bush (aka 43) thought he was making a great pick for the Supreme Court when he nominated John Roberts. Sadly it has been just another bad selection by a republican president. Republicans have a bad track record. Far too often these republican choices become the dreaded “swing vote” on many important issues. Roberts shocked the conservative world when he sided with the liberals on the Obamacare individual mandate. The first time in our history that the government forced the citizens to buy a product that only the liberals thought was the right thing to do. Clearly Obamacare was unconstitutional as written and passed into law with ONLY Democrat votes. Justice Roberts had to exercise gold-medal-worthy “judicial gymnastics” and actually rewrite the law for the Democrats so he could join with them. If you remember he said the Democrats really meant “tax” when they clearly wrote and meant the word “fine”. He was psychic you see. He apparently knew what the liberals meant. What a terrible misguided finding he thrust on Americans. Continue reading Sheepdog Barks About Justice Roberts

Westcliffe Town Meeting: Sheriff Quarterly Report and Pot Ordinance Dominate

Westcliffe Town Meeting
—February 5, 2019
by Lisa Frank
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. and took place in the new Westcliffe Town Hall located at 1000 Main Street. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and roll call taken with two Trustees absent; Trustee Audrey Gluschke and Trustee Elizabeth Cole. The visitors in attendance were recognized and the Consent Agenda passed unanimously after a motion and second.
Old Business
Consideration of request to move forward with the 3-Mile Plan – The State requires the town to meet annually to update the 3-Mile Plan for annexation. Mayor Wenke posed the question of what is the next step the Town must take to Mike Carter Building and Zoning (B&Z) Official and Street and Park Supervisor. Carter stated that the Town needs direction from the County Commissioners to move ahead and that the Planning Commission Board and Town Board have read and approved the writing. Motion made and seconded, passed unanimously. Continue reading Westcliffe Town Meeting: Sheriff Quarterly Report and Pot Ordinance Dominate

Cotopaxi Science Teacher Receives High Honor

by Kris Schoech
and Laura Vass

Science teacher, Rae Anne “Randi” Dotter, Cotopaxi Schools was recently the Colorado recipient of the National University System- Colorado Sanford Teacher Award. The Sanford Teacher Awards are given to one teacher in D.C and one in each state for a total of 51 awards nationwide. The Sanford Teacher Award is based on criteria of inspiring teaching, and all finalists qualify for being named the nation’s top inspirational teacher in 2019; The awards are supported by philanthropist I. Denny Sanford. The qualities identified by the Sanford Teacher Award reflect the mission of education-focused programs that are being expanded nationally through the leadership of the private, nonprofit National University System, which is home to one of the top ten largest schools of education in the country.
It’s always a welcome surprise when a rural school teacher wins an award of this caliber. Randi’s teaching methodology and over and above average efforts in and out of the classroom are indeed unique and have won the hearts of her students and their parents. Continue reading Cotopaxi Science Teacher Receives High Honor