Tag Archives: Charging Stations

May Westcliffe Town Meeting

by Becky Olson
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Westcliffe was held on May 16th, 2023, and convened as scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in Patterson Hall. All Trustees were present and proceedings commenced after recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and unanimous adoption of the consent agenda.
The first item of old business was consideration of a request by Town Manager, Caleb Patterson, to modify the type of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations the town will be installing with the help of a grant from two “fast” (level 1) and two “slow” (level 2) chargers to one fast and three slow ones. The request came as a result of the increased cost of the EV chargers since the grant was originally awarded. After a fair amount of discussion, the motion passed with Mayor Wenke and Trustee Art Nordyke dissenting and voting no. Continue reading May Westcliffe Town Meeting